Moon amour

in #moon6 years ago

Foto tomada por mi, con un teléfono Xiomi
I take this picture with my smarthphone Xiomi

Me gusta verte, observarte.

Sentir tu energía.
Vital y limpiante.

Una roca que proviene de nuestro planeta.
Una roca que se separó apenas el planeta no era sino un protoplaneta.

Un pedazo de tierra, en armonía con ella mima, con el sol, y su pericentro.

Luna hermosa, tu influencia me altera.
Tus ondas invisibles me llegan. Me excitan.

Solo lo siento, me entrego y disfruto.
Es simplemente algo difícil de describir,
porque, ¿cómo un científico halla las maneras de medirlo con exactitud?

Es complicado y complejo. Ya que es biofísica pura. Alteraciones en la frecuencia de longitudes de ondas, que afectan electrones, estos a los átomos, estos a las moléculas y estas a las células.

Todo, en conjunto, se manifiestan en sinapsis, liberación de neurotransmisores, catecolaminas.; que en suma nos generan esa satisfacción y conciencia de la Energía Universal que nos envuelve y nos recuerda que simplemente somos aglomerados de moléculas, todos siendo parte de un "algo" mucho más grande; con individualidad.

Qué hermosa eres, luna de mis amores.

I like seeing you, watching you.

Feel your energy.
Vital and cleansing.

A rock that comes from our planet.
A rock that just separated the planet was nothing but a protoplanet.

A piece of land, in harmony with it, with the sun, and its pericentre.

Beautiful moon, your influence excites me.
Your invisible waves are reaching me. They excite me.

I'm just feeling it, giving myself up and enjoying myself.
It's just kind of hard to describe,
because how does a scientist find ways to measure it accurately?

It's complicated and complex. Since it's pure biophysics. Alterations in the frequency of wavelengths, which affect electrons, these to the atoms, these to the molecules and these to the cells.

Everything, together, manifests itself in synapses, release of neurotransmitters, catecholamines, which in short generate that satisfaction and awareness of the Universal Energy that surrounds us and reminds us that we are simply agglomerates of molecules, all being part of a much larger "something", with individuality.

How beautiful you are, moon amour


This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Que poético :)
Los pensamientos danzan con la inspiración de la luna