Benefits of walking in the morning

in #morning7 years ago

Let's walk everyone in the morning to walk healthcare.
Health Benefits of Walking in the morning Let all walks are the most beneficial among all types of exercise. Many people have a habit of walking at least 20 to 30 minutes every morning. And those who do not have this habit should also develop this habit. Because this morning only 20-30 minutes of walking helps good day to day life and keeps health well. So walk in half-hour of regular light-air space.
Let's go for the
morning health benefits, everyone walks in the morning to walk and walk every


Before you walk every day, make sure your dress is comfortable enough and is suitable for walking. Take a ponytail dress before you walk. Buy comfortable shoes for walking. Almost certainly keep the water in the water. After every 15 minutes, the water will take a little bit of water. Then morning walk habits will be enjoyable.

Life Covers Increase
Your Heart And Mind During Everyday Morning Work Clean air and beautiful environment increase your heart and mind. During walking, the heart pumps blood to various organs of the body. As a result, each organs remain healthy and active and people live longer.

The retention increases
Every morning in the morning, there is a chance to enter the fresh air in the lungs. By collecting oxygen from this air, the heart cleanses the blood and supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain. The result is that the brain is active and the memory increases.

Blood pressure is in control,
according to health experts, regular blood pressure control in the morning. On regular walks, fat from the red blood cells of the blood goes out. During walking, blood insulin and glucose decay. As a result, blood pressure is regulated. There is plenty of sweat on the

every morning. As a result, the lymphatic skin of the skin opens and the body's polluted substances go out through sweating. As a result the skin looks bright and sophisticated.

Fat reduces
Regularly walking in the morning, the fat is protected from the disease. There is plenty of calorie decay on the walk. As a result of regular low calorie intake along with eating at least 30 minutes in the morning every day fat decreases and body shape is beautiful. Our eyes are twelve times when we are looking at the computer screen

day with the power of vision . There is no alternative to walk in the morning every morning to give some relief to the eyes and to keep eye health better. Studies have shown that walking in the grass on the grass in the morning is a good sight.
Walking health benefits in the morning Let everyone walk in the


to reduce the stress
Who does not like to enjoy the beautiful smoothness of the morning and walk everyday? Every morning, the beautiful atmosphere and a few walks of time can make your mind look good. Every morning, if you walk for a few hours, the work increases the workout and decreases the stress.

Increases the prevention of immunity,
every morning, every cell of the body moves pure blood and oxygen. As a result, the tendency to increase the immunity of the body and easily decrease the tendency to get sick.

Morning light exercises throughout the day

To make life successful and enjoyable, and above all, to maintain fitness in the workplace. If the body is healthy then the mind also is cheerful. There is no substitute for morning exercises to keep the mind alive and to be double minded in the work. Morning exercise is very important to keep blood flow to the body. Calibular bodybuilding will keep the body fit for the day, increase the immune system, work and work in a neat mind. If you want to breathe fresh air in this city, it's time for dawn. Where do you spend time all day long for a busy day? For those who are working and 'desk jobs', it is said that the morning light exercise is mandatory. Along with the walk, some light exercises with a little time in the morning will make the body look beautiful. Walk in the morning to
walk every


If you can do meditation in the morning and get emotional relief. Then you can exercise, as much as you need.

Prepare for exercise from the bed. Keep the mind untidy and cover the pillow without covering the pillow and spread the hand and foot and remove the housing. Do not jump from the bed to wake up in the morning to wake up and sit for a while. It increases strength and self-confidence. Condemnation of half an hour per day increases the strength of the sperm, decreased labor and stress and increased tolerance. After that, Paban Muktasanana. Hold down on the stomach and chest and hold it with two hands, folding in the right position and folding the right leg from the knee. Keeping breathing in mind, continue to increase from ten to thirty years. Then take the rest of your legs and rest. The seat has to be twice.

Then Bhujangasan. Lay the legs straight down and lie down Put both hands on the floor on the side of the ribs by sticking to the ribs. Keep the head as fast as you can with your hands on your palms, keeping the floor from your feet to the waist. Now bend the head backwards and look at the top. Stay in this condition for 25-30 seconds after normal breathing. Then slowly lay down his head and his chest and lay down on his face. After leaving the bed, you can eat a little something jogginge.

Walking or jogging is the best in morning light exercises. Exercise, walk along with a walk fresh fresh air. The morning will be fresh. Before jogging, one or two glasses of water can be eaten in an empty stomach. Do not eat anything before exercise. It is better to eat light food such as forever juice or canvas broth. Or one can eat mug tea A little lean may be eaten. Every day, you have to walk at least 30 minutes and walk fast. Big breath with a walk works in the lung exercise. Keep the mouth shut while leaving the breath and leave it with the mouth.

Use the mask to walk the streets. Otherwise allergic or asthma can be a problem. Walking barefoot while walking is dangerous. In this case you can wear sports suits. Doctors advised to change clothes quickly after physical exercise. Do not take a bath before sweating. Take a bath if the body is cold. Walking exercises along with stretching, abdominal exercises, etc. have to be done. Stretching, stomach exercises etc. are needed to get the benefits of walking.

Stretching Exercise can be done in Freehand Exercise. Choose different types of stretching exercises suitable for neck, hands and feet. You can do some exercise in the office continuously for a long time. There is a leg extension like Freehand Exercise, which can be adjusted regularly. Patients who are responsible for physical growth, if they massage the forehead with a turn of 10 minutes each day, will be fresh. Walk a little while leaving the desk every 30 to 45 minutes.

Neck is the first victim of any pressure of body and mind. Therefore, the neck is flexible and the neck is flexible and the neck is flexible and hanging around. The pressure of the elbows in the middle of the elbow and the wrist, and the hands are very active. With two hands on the stomach, breathing deeply with the nose, slowly releasing the breath, and then increasing the strength of the lungs and at least 20 minutes of the day, the better sleep at night.
Let's go for the health of the morning walk. Let everyone walk in the

morning to walk in the morning. Walk

the path to health. Let everyone walk

today. Now we are very busy., Jobs, business, etc. are so busy with work that we do not think there is any need to keep our eyes, especially in our body. We take pleasure in life after eating or eating goblins all the fun. But what's the result? Yes, weight can increase, as well as all the diseases that are deadly - blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems etc. So what to do?

The easiest, cheap, popular and safe exercise
requires a healthy, healthy body and mind for any kind of body exercises. Exercise as well as Sumit Panahar is the mystery of long life, the mystery of keeping body-minded. The best way to maintain ideal weight is by doing exercise. There is a better way of practicing lasers. The easiest, cheap, popular and safe exercise is walking. It is a less labor-able exercise suitable for people of all ages.

Researchers have
recently said that, walking, jogging and running for good health of the heart and blood vessels bring equal benefits. In fact, for someone to walk better exercise. Because, there is no pressure on the body when you walk. Many times, bone gout pain, injury is muscle. It is quite risky for older people. But walking can not be heard as injured.

Walking vs. Other exercises are
big easy this walk. There is no need to wear any special clothes. There is no need to go to ghee. You can also walk in comfort and leisure. It is enough to walk 30 minutes a day for six days a week. Strenuous exercise like jogging and aerobics forced the heart to run like a horse - blood was pumped slowly. At one stageIt's okay However, because the muscles work so hard, it requires a lot of oxygen. Lactic acid is made in exercise. Attempts to prevent acidity Being lactic acid, muscles are tough and painful.

But it does not work as a walk. Humpet pumps loudly, increased blood flow But there is not so much effect on the muscles. Lactic acid is not made in the body. It also helps in the emergence of blood circulatory system by applying less pressure on the body. Metabolism is free from the accumulated fat of the body. Since its pressure on the body is less, so anyone who walks the whole week does not feel bad.

Many sick people can take this walk as an exercise. Get started slowly. The first day is 10-15 minutes. Then speed up, increase time. 20-30 minutes Then cool for 10 minutes. Walking slowly for five to 10 minutes. Fine walking from expensive gym is very good.

Just what is diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease?
Regular walking should be considered as a preventive tool to make walking habit from healthy condition. But when we walk, only when we are diagnosed with diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and the doctor said that while walking along with medicines you have to walk, we walk. Trying to run, but walking alone, it is not right. Walking is necessary to maintain the well-being of all healthy people.
Benefits of

Walking in the morning

: Everybody walks in the morning to walk walking. Benefits of walking
can not be ended. Health studies have shown that

  1. Reducing the blood pressure. 2.
    Reducing the risk of heart disease.

Reducing excess fat 4. Reducing sugar reduction

  1. Reducing weight Controls
  2. Control of blood pressure, cholesterol, anthracite, diabetes
  3. Heart problems, reducing the risk of stroke
  4. Hardening the
    stomach 9. Increase the movement of the
    vessel 10. If the heart is good, the overall energy or fitness of the body increases
  5. The probability of cancer reduce
    12maselera power increases
    13heladi BM I can achieve or retain
    14heladi West-to-hip ratio can achieve or
    retain, 15metabala Autism increases
    16sarirera like all members of the
    17tarunya holds
    18ayu increases
    19breinera increase the effectiveness of
    20bhalo sleep
    21smarana enhances the power
    22mana keeps cheerful, mentally refreshing and good heart
  6. Increases mental strength and increases self-confidence
    24.Val cholesterol increases HDL and bad cholesterol decreases LDL
  7. Do not allow fat to accumulate on the wall
    of the
    tube, 26. Depleting the possibility of type 2 diabetes in place 27. If you have diabetes, keep it in control
  8. Muscle strength increases
  9. Heart increases the performance of heart and lungs
  10. Weight of the body is okay and the body is

just fit There are different exercises for different complex complications. Unbelievable but true that even complex diseases like asthma may be cured by special exercises.

How long and how long?
To get the benefit of walking, you must walk regularly and at least four or five days a week, but if you walk for seven days a week, it will be the gold sohagha. Walk 30/40 to 60 minutes. Going from thirty minutes to one hour every day, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer can reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases from thirty to sixty percent.

Week 4 /Going for 5 days at least 30 minutes fast will improve your life. Those who do not exercise, for a few days they will understand how much benefits, how much the body looks like. Walkers will not walk but walk. It is necessary to walk fast enough to sweat out of the body. The more you walk daily, the better you feel. Your confidence in being good will increase.

When to walk?
The best time to walk is on the dawn, after the Fajr prayers for those who pray. Due to the absence of more car horses and mill workers, the morning air is clear. Those who are not allowed in the morning, they can decide at any time to their advantage, but not in the sunny sunshine.

But you can conveniently walk in time. But thinking about the body, walking in the afternoon is the best. Because the muscles are flexible. The temperature of the body is higher than the morning. Then all the work can be done without any tension free. But in the morning the muscles and pairs are tough. It takes more time to warm up the body. It is better to walk in the afternoon thinking about it. But it is also a problem that environment pollution is more in the afternoon. Walk in the pollution-free environment in the morning. But when you get the time you can take advantage of time. Try to walk at the same time every day.