After @morwhale update this is claim and refund post
If you have any suggestion or any problem please leave me a comment below or contact hdmed at our
Teammorocco Discord server or
Last update :
Thank you very much , @morwhale. by @hdmed
hlo gyyz you skipped one amount of 0.200 sbd for this post
please refund
Refunded , Thanks
thanku sir that was refunded but for this post i did not get upvote and refund which i sent 30 minutes ago
again sir i sent new 0.200 steem but did not get upvote and refund for this post
please sir refund
sir i did not get upvote and refund of 0.200 steem yesterday for this post
who bid after me got upvortes but not me
Refunded Thanks
I have sent you 0.2SBD for this post But you did not upvote it ?? @morwhale
done thanks
hello, there.

i have not received your upvotes of my these two articles
refunded thanks
Hi Guys, I put this one in yesterday and I think it got skipped over.
yesterday Transfer 0.180 SBD to morwhale
refunded thanks
Hi Team! This one got skipped on this recent stack:
11 minutes ago Transfer 0.200 SBD to morwhale
شكرا اخي رجاء ممكن حسابك على فيسبوك او واتساب
السلام عليكم اخي ارسلت هذا المبلغ عن خطا رجاء اعده لي او قم بعمل فوت بقيمته على منشوري وشكرا
0.092 SBD are refunded thanks
hello my friend i send but i don't take upvote :
0.010 sbd !
0.010 sbd!
0.010 sbd!
0.010 sbd!
0.010 sbd!
All are refunded Thanks @pioner21
You did not bid up my post...You refunded me for one you missed but not the other. I sent 0.300 yesterday. Please return my money or upvote my post. Your bot is collecting money and giving no upvotes to anyone so no one should use this service until it is fixed. Thanks
Refunded thanks
Thank you. You need to fix your bot though. It is really screwed up.