Try This Motivation Theory Right Now


Try This Motivation Theory Right Now


There is a motivation theory that came from neurolinguistic programming which you can try right now. You might be surprised at the results.


Before a motivation theory can be accepted as good, it must convey the idea that people get motivated differently. In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), this fact is considered in different ways. The idea of towards and away from personalities is one of NLP’s important theories.

Every human employs both the towards and away from personalities to function normally, however, one personality is always more pronounced than the other in every person. If you are the type that the away from motivation is more pronounced in, then the thoughts of escaping from trouble or pain will dominate you more. On the other hand, if you are the type that is more govern by the towards motivation, thoughts of future rewards will affect you more.

If you are curious to know which of these motivation styles dominate you, this test will help you find out which is. The 2 scenarios below of what having millions of dollars in your possession could mean to you will help you know which motivational style dominates you.

  1. The first scenario is the thought that having millions of dollars in your possession will mean that you are financially secure and safe. And as such, you do not have to work again or do anything you do not feel like doing. Why? Because you feel like your financial wealth is capable of doing away with most of your problems. You probably say to yourself: “I have everything I need to be comfortable and free.”

  2. You possess your favorite car and your dream house. You are able to purchase anything you want for your friends and self, in short, you are able to do whatever you want. You are able to achieve all of your goals.

If you feel like you are the person in the first scenario, then the away from motivation governs you. But if you feel like you are the person in the second scenario, you are governed by the towards motivation. The two motivational styles have their merits and demerits. For instance, people who are away from driven are good managers of things and situations, but they do not do well with big goals. People who are towards driven are good entrepreneurs, but they find themselves in trouble often because they fail to plan properly to avoid troubles.

How, then, do you use the knowledge about your motivational style to your own advantage? Well, if you wish to make more money but you are an away from individual, then you will have to remind yourself constantly of what dilemma you’ll be should you fail, else you could relax in your endeavors the moment you appear to be comfortable financially. And if you are a towards person, while you should be aware that you could be glossing over problems, you will likewise want to imagine the things to acquire with your money.

You will be able to easily influence other people once you gain mastery over the two motivational styles. For instance, if you are to sell a new car to someone, you will be able to find out if they are towards things or away from things. If the person is towards motivated, you may probably explain to them what they can do with the new car and how important they will look in the car. If the person is away from driven, you will probably what buying the new car will mean – it will imply that the hassles of used cars are gone and that buying the new car will make life easier for him.

Try to play around with the motivation theory then see how far you can go in inspiring people with its knowledge, you shouldn’t forget to inspire yourself though. It should be noted that the motivation theory is best used to inspire oneself, though it can be used to understand and inspire other people too.

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