Quote of the day: Once a year, go someplace you have never been before

Dear Steemit friends and followers,

With the weekend being over soon and the new week ahead of us, let me take this moment to share one of my favorite travel quotes with you.

Source: Earth Trekkers, author: Dalai Lama

"Once a year, go someplace you have never been before."

I think most of you would agree that Dalai Lama was right on this one – travelling to foreign places, seeing new cultures and meeting new people is incredibly enriching.

So rather than discussing the meaning of the quote, I have two questions for you:

  1. What new places did you visit last year?
  2. What are your travel plans for this year?

I am looking forward to reading your comments below :)

Have a great start to the new week and Steem on!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Travel Tip: Karlovy Vary, world-famous spa town that has something for everybody

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Collection of some of the most amazing photos from Prague/Czech Republic submitted recently by your fellow Steemians

Travel Tip: Bojnice Castle, stunning piece of medieval architecture that horror fans will love

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nice post thanks for inspiration post.😊

Haven't been able to go on vacation last year cause money was tight 😥
I would love to go for a roadtrip in Australia one day!
For this year I'm hoping to visit New York City somewhere in september.
What about you @czechglobalhosts ?!

I am sure you will be able to make it this year! I am planning a cruise alongside Indian and Arabian coast sometimes in March and then visiting a friend in Colombia later on in the year. Tomas

Last year I had the opportunity to travel to Tanzania and spend a month living in various Maasai villages. They are some of the most wonderful and welcoming people I have ever met in my life. It was truly an unforgettable and life changing experience.

I am planning on traveling to Haiti this year with my sister, @changenation, and her husband as they adopt one or two children from there. I will be traveling with them to make a documentary of the whole journey. We are really looking forward to that adventure.

Here is a picture I took during one of the Maasai celebrations over the past summer:

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

I love your travel plans, past and the future.... Both of those places are still on my list:)

Can't wait for you to join us when we go! We are super excited for this journey as well! I also can't wait to see all the awesome places you end up in your photography journeys!

first i love your blog and big fan of you czechglobalhosts ! i really like to go somewhere to see god made for us!
i visit drama cities last year in Greece which so beautiful place ! they peolple i notice very honest and simple and mountain arroun the cities which increase the beauty of cities!
my new year plan to visit Switzerland which i hear i lot of it and my friend say it the most beautiful place ever on earth !
i wish i could visit swixerland but it need money so earn through steemit soon will visit my dream place ! thanks you czechglobalhosts for sharing my dream to you! best of luck!

I am very happy to hear you have such a wonderful dreams! I am sure it will come to fruition sooner or later! Good luck with all that. Tomas

Dalai Lama had a sound point in saying such wonderful quote. Travel has very amazing learning for the traveler. One can learn a lot from different places and the cultures of those amazing places.

Last year I visited Skardu valley, Nothern Areas of my country Pakistan. It's in Karakoram mountain range where World's 2nd largest mountain peak K-2 is towering to the sky. This year I will try to visit Swat that is called Switzerland of Asia.

Thank you so much for amazing blogs @czechglobalhosts.

Some very interesting places on your list! Sounds tempting:).... Tomas

Very inspiring quote, thanks for sharing! :D

I visited Gran Canaria, Benidorm and travelled inside the Uk last year and this years plans are, Amsterdam & Ireland.

Also does anyone have any suggestions of somewhere warm either in March or September? Thanks in advance :)

Sounds great! Well, depends on what you are looking for... if you are up for beaches then Caribbean is unbeatable! Also Asia is great!

Thanks a lot! I was looking into the Caribbean :D

My visit to Wales last year was an eye opener.. The most appreciated was their lifestyle and it affected me positively... Hopefully, I would be at Australia this year... NICE POST

Nice plans, I love it! I hope you can make that happen. Tomas

I believe it will happen.. I would really love it.

well i also agree and he was right,,, i travled last time some days ago to my parents hometown pak kaghan naran valley and my plan to next year also to my parent home town pak but next travel there to china border with my all family
bcz i was not born in USA there for we have not any travel here reason my family member not here with me ...only me and my husband and my daughter and i am muslim there for i cannot travel alone

Great to hear you have some sound travel plans! I hope it all works out for you. Tomas

if only I had money to travel where I want to go the most :')
I've been visiting some local places in my country, Croatia.
I don't have a plan to visit any place, but surely I will, I just don't have a plan which one..

Visiting local places is a great start. It is actually a shame many people don't even know their own country. Tomas

yes, that's exactly! :D

In 2017 i didn't travell, but in 2016 i went to Machu Picchu and I really learnt a lot of that travell. In 2018 i would like to go to Europe or Asia if I can.

Sounds like a plan! Some amazing places on your list, I hope it will come to fruition at some point. Tomas