Stop Running Ahead Of Time

in #motivation6 years ago


The time Lily had been waiting for was finally here. She'd waited for this time all her life. She'd practised night and day just for this day.
Now the time had come; the time she would be representing her country in a race competition. This had been Lily's biggest dream — to win a medal for her country in an international race competition.
She was ready to give it her all. After all, she'd spent her whole life preparing for this day. As she stepped out into the pitch, ready to compete with her fellow racers, she was filled with enthusiasm.
Every racer was now on their mark; the race for the champion was about to start. However, before the referee blew the whistle, something unbelievable happened.
Lily had started to run. Everyone was startled. But the referee hadn't even blown the whistle before Lily started running. Finally, the referee blew the whistle and every other racer started to run.
Lily was far ahead. She had gone ahead of time. She felt she was leading, until she realized that she began her race ahead of time and was therefore, disqualified. What a pity. She lost the opportunity.
My dear friend, isn't this true about many people in life? Many run their race in life ahead of God's time for them. They just want to beat everyone else, thereby they forget that everything has its time.
The scriptures say in Ecclesiastes 3:1: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
My friend, there is a time for everything. There is a time God has appointed for you. Stop running ahead of God's time for your life. Don't be like Lily who couldn't wait for the whistle to be blown.
Don't run faster than your shadow. Don't use other people's time to run your life. Learn to delay today's gratification for tomorrow's glorification. There is a time for you. The day you understand this, you will live a happier life.
The scriptures further say there: "A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted." (Ecclesiastes 3:2)
There is a time for everything in life. Even nature teaches this truth. A time was appointed for you to be born and a time has been appointed for you to die.
There are different stages and seasons in life. A time to plant and a time to reap. What are you sowing today for tomorrow's harvest? Do you even understand the principle of timing?
You need to understand God's plan and timing for your life. Move according to His plan for your life. Don't run ahead of His time for you and don't run behind His time for you, just run according to His time. If you do this, you will never regret it.
You are God's best. Be exceptional.


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