28 Days Of Gratitude - The Magic by Rhonda Byrne - Day 3 - Magical Relationships

in #motivation7 years ago

This is Day 3 of the 28 Day Gratitude Challenge to transform you life. It is from the Book "The Magic" By Rhonda Byrne the creator of the film and book the Secret. It essentially is a series of gratitude exercises that take less than 10 minutes per day that you can apply to your life for positive change. To learn more you can read about it on my Day 1 Post here: Day 1 

I was fortunate enough to find a blog by a sweet soul named Silver Girl who took the time to write out the lessons and exercises for each of the 28 days. It makes it so simple and easy to apply this into your life and if you really do it, I truly believe you will notice a positive shift in your life. Feel free to follow along at your comfort and if you feel inspired please post a comment if you are noticing shifts and positive change in your life. Are you noticing any miracles and blessing that seem to be coming your way? Please share if you like. And as always I appreciate you being here and reading this post. All the best. 

Day 3 - Magical Relationships

Imagine if you wore the only person on Earth; you would have no desire to do anything. What would be the point in creating a painting if no one could see it? What would be the point of composing music if no one could hear it? What would be the point of inventing anything in there was no one to use it? There would be no reason to move from one place to another because wherever you went would be the same as where you wore - no one would be there. There would be no pleasure or joy in your life.

It's your contact and experiences with other people that give your life joy, meaning, and purpose. Because of that, your relationships affect the life more than anything else. To receive the life of your dreams, it's vital that you understand how they are the most powerful channels for gratitude to start magically changing your life.

Science is now confirming the wisdom of the great sages of the past, with research studies showing that people who practice gratitude have closer relationships, are more connected to family and friends, and have other people look upon them favorably. But probably the most astounding statistic that has come out of research studies is that for every one complain about another person, whether is thought or word, there have to be ten blessings for the relationship to flourish. Any less than ten blessings for every one complaint and the relationship will deteriorate, and, if the relationship is marriage, it will most likely end in divorce.

Gratitude makes relationships flourish. As you increase your gratitude for any relationship, you will magically receive an abundance of happiness and good things in that relationship. And gratitude for your relationships doesn't change only your relationships; it also changes you. No matter what your temperament is now, gratitude will give you more patience, understanding, compassion, and kindness, to the point where you wont even recognize yourself. The little irritations you once felt and the complains you had on your relationships will disappear, because when you're truly grateful for another person, there's nothing you want to change about that person. You wont criticize, complain about, or blame them, because you're too busy being grateful for the good things about them. In fact, you won't even be able to see the things you use to complain about.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."Thornton Wilder (1897-1975)Writer and Playwright

Words are very powerful, so when you complain about any person you're actually harm your life. It is your life that will suffer. By the law of attraction whatever you think or say about another person, you bring to you. This is the very reason why the greatest minds and teachers of the world have told us to be grateful. They knew that for you to receive more in your life, for your life to magically increase, you have to be grateful for others just as they are. What is every person close to you said, "I love you - just the way you are", how would you feel?

Today's magical practice is being grateful for people just as they are! Even if all of your relationships are currently good, they will increase with more magnificence through this practice. And with everything you find to be grateful for in each person, you will see gratitude perform its breathtaking magic, and your relationships will be stronger, more fulfilling, and more enriching than you ever thought they could be.

Choose three of your closest relationships to be grateful for. You might choose your wife, your son, and your father, or your boyfriend, your business partner, and your sister. You might choose your best friend, your grandmother and your uncle. You can choose any three relationships that are important to you, as long as you have a photograph of each person. The photograph can be just of the person, or the both of you together.

Once you have selected your three relationships and photographs, you are ready to set the magic into motion. Sit down and think about the things you are the most grateful for about each person. What are the things you love the most about this person? What are their best qualities? You could be grateful for their patience, ability to listen, talents, strength, good judgement, wisdom, laugh, sense of humor, eyes, smile, or kind heart. You could be grateful for the things you enjoy doing with the person, or you can recall a time when the person was there for you, cared for, or supported you.

After you've spent some time thinking about what you're grateful for about the person, put their photograph in front of you, and with a pen or a notebook, or on the computer, choose the five things you are the most grateful for. Look at the photograph of the person as you make the your list of five things, begin each sentence with the magic words, thank you, address the person by their name, and then write what you're grateful for.

Thank you,       their name     , for         what     .
For example, "Thank you, John, for always making me laugh." Or, "Thank you, Mom, for supporting me through college."

When you've finished your lists for all three people, continue with this magical practice by taking the photographs with you today and putting them in a place where you will see them often. Whenever you look at the photographs today, thank the person by saying the magic, thank you,and the person's name:

Thank you, Hayley.

If you're moving around a lot, carry the photographs with you in your bag or pocket, and make an effort to look at the photographs three times during the day, following the same procedure.

Now you know how to use gratitude's magical power to transform your relationships into Magical Relationships. Although it is not part of the requirement of this book, you may want to take this amazing practice and use in every day if necessary to make every relationship you have magnificent. You can use it on the same relationship as many times as you want. The more you can be grateful for the good things in your relationships, the faster every relationship in your life will miraculously change.

Magic Practice Number 3
Magical Relationships

1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic PracticeNumber 1 - Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

2. Choose three of your closest relationships and collect a photograph of each person.

3. With the photo in front of you, write five things you are most grateful for about each person, in your journal or on your computer.

4. Begin each sentence with the magic words, thank you, include their name, and what you're specifically grateful for.

5. Carry the three photographs with you today, or put them in a place where you will see them often. Look at the photographs on at least three occasion, speak to the person's face in the photograph, and thank them by saying the magic words, thank you, and their name. Thank you, Hayley.

6. Before you go to sleep, take your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day. 


The Magic by Rhonda Byrne is a transformative guide that delves into the profound impact of gratitude on one's life. Byrne explores the concept of harnessing the power of gratitude to unlock a virtual magic within ourselves. The book unfolds the secrets of gratitude, offering a roadmap to manifest positive change and abundance. Through a series of practices, readers are invited to cultivate gratitude, uncovering the virtual magic that can enhance their well-being and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.