A New Future In 90 Minutes - A Transformation On A Saturday Afternoon.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


"In the next hour and a half , you will make a significant breakthrough in your life" said with a kind and confident voice the constantly smiling instructor answering to the cute name Anati.

The 5 people sitting in the room looked at Anati with mixed reaction. The cute married couple ,sitting on the left side of the room, gazed at Anati with interest,the two buddies who were sitting on my right,sharing a big sofa ,had a mixed look in their eyes, a look of anticipation interlaced with doubt - the same look you give a circus performer that is about to do a high wire act.
And there was I, grinning from ear to ear, looking at Anati with affection as I sat smack down the middle in front of our joyful host.

Anati's words threw me back 14 years to the previous time I sat in a Landmark meeting, I was a 18 year old boy with a lot of anger and resentment fueled by a nasty Alcohol and drug habit. As I remembered that boy, An even bigger smile stretched across my face because I knew that Anati's statement was a hundred percent true.

While Anati told us about herself and the reason she decided to become a Landmark Forum trainer, the image of a hall full of hundreds of people came up, I rememebred how the 3 day workshop that followed the meeting 14 years ago changed me; the angry boy that litterally hated his father and blamed him for ruining his life was gone, and instead a loving and kind young man that accepted his parents just the way they are left the workshop.

"I got to focus" I told myself as Anati handed out a small 6 question work book. I had a chance to get another breakthrough in this meeting and I wasn't about to let pass me by.
Anati asked to fill in the 2 first questions in the work book - what is currently working in your life and what isn't working.
I started filling the place for the answers in the work book -

"My relationship with my wife"
"My health"
"My conditioning"

The last one made me think and realize that maybe things are not working as good as I thought so I filled in the next question.

Not Working

"Money - there isn't enough"
"Family - I want children"
" Not enough motivation in my self expression activities"

The last sentence was pretty phrasing describing my inconsistency in writing on Steemit.

"Your finished? Good" said Anati.

"Now choose one point you want to work on and write it down in the space under question number 3" explained Anati.

I chose to work on my inconsistency as a creator. " I want to write and create in a consistent fashion" I boldly wrote in the work book.

The next question got me puzzled, it said " the most likley future is..."

"What will happen if things stay the same?" Anati clarified and added "answer 3 different questions in this section :
What is happening now?
What are the results?
Who are you regarding the point?"

I started writing:
" 1. I write and create in a disorderly fashion, only when I feel like it and I have no other choice."
"2. I have about 250 followers, decent content a lot of inconsistency and I am a little disappointed from myself."
"3.I am not serious, I talk too much and don't do enough."
The answer to the third question made me feel bad, " Am I really this person?" I asked myself feeling a little pinch in the throat.

"Please share your answers with the person next to you." Said Anati with a big smile on her face.

I turned to one of the buddies that was sitting next to me and told everything I wrote down. It was a little hard at first but I quickly opened up and to my amazment my inconsistency issue resonated with him, as he shared about his fear of taking the next step in his business.I felt a deep understanding and empathy towards his issue as well. This got me excited.

"Who wants to work with me?" Anati asked.
I quickly raised my hand and told Anati what I wrote down.
"What if I took the inconsistency and lack of seriousness away? How would you feel?" She asked looking me straight in the eyes.
The question got me stumbled, "consistent and serious" I answered moments later.
"Okay, Who would you be if you were consistent and serious?"
Again, a blank mind.
"Ehhh....I think I would be passionate and driven."
"Great, that is what you are missing to solve your issue."

Although, it sounded very trivial it struck me and made me understand that I need to add the passion and the drive to my writing and write about things that genuinely move and excite me.

"Write down what you are missing in the correct place in the workbook." Anati's voice said interrupting my thoughts.

"Please turn to the last page and fill in the sentence with a new option that makes your point of choice possible" Anati continued.

I turned the work book to the last page and there was written:
"The option I create for myself and for my life is the option of me being..."
As I read that sentence the words flew out of me
"Passionate and driven , creating everyday and being an inspiration".

Wow, was the only word I can use to describe the power I felt writing down those words.The integrous look into myself and the understanding created an incredible feeling inside of me.

"Now, please read to everyone what you wrote" Anati asked.
Everyone in the room started sharing and you can see the light and passion inside each of the members of the group as they read the new option they created for themselves, and so did I.

Anati delivered on her word, I got my breakthrough and insight, and I believe that the other members of the group got as well.

Afterwards, Anati explained about the Landmark Forum that you can check out in this un-affiliated link
I listened to Anati and again my thought went to those incredible 3 days 14 years ago that I had learned how to forgive and let go.

This meeting happend on April,7 Saturday Afternoon and it is incredible how a couple of simple coaching questions with a little sharing did for me.

Have you ever been in a similar meeting? Or you believe that these meeting are all just dressed up sales pitches?

Thank you for your time.

With love.


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Sharing in a group is not my thing. I will really feel pressure if its my turn.

That is one of the things that help getting life changing results but it is of course your decision to make.

I have not done exactly that, but twice I have done exercises by myself to "manifest" something. I read a post from someone who said this worked and so I decided to see if I could do it too.

I got the steps off of eHow and tried them. To my amazement, both of the things I was seeking did manifest. I found the exercises difficult, but worth doing.

I think pretty much everything is in our mindset - especially with my experience with weight loss. As soon as I believed I could do it - I lost the weight. When I did not believe in myself, I had no luck at all.

I'm coming to you from @kryptonia with the same user name.

That is incredible and I'm happy for you

Upvote from kryptonia @ jacobzeema

upvoted from kryptonia @everdope

upvote for u from kryptonia @ziggy

Nice post this a great work. kryptonia id @jamescrusader

Nice one keep it up. Kryptonia id @chetachi26

Comming to you from kryptonia thanks for sharing. 😊