in #motivation7 years ago

Today we live in a world where lack of patriotism, poor parenting, drug abuse, immorality has become the order of the day.The truth is being boycotted, people now make major decisions in life base on what is trendy or popular.Comparing the present day Nigeria with what we had in the 60s, 70s and 80s(facts from what we read and stories we heard from our parents) I can strongly say everything has gone wrong.Most times we blame it on civilization but to an extent I disagree,I feel its a choice we made ,a future we weaved for ourselves and our posterity.

In Nigeria today and many other countries of the world, most citizens lack patriotism. It is only lack of patriotism that will make an individual embezzle billions meant to improve the well being of the citizenz, it is lack of patriotism that make people sacrifice their freedom on the altar of monetary gains.We speak 'one Nigeria' but out hearts keep screaming 'division'. Our love for money has become the cankerworm that has eaten deep into our system.Gone are the days when great men like Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe,Herbert Macaulay, Chief Obafemi Awolowo and even Nelson Mandela fought for the freedom of their country from the claws of the white.
I doubt if we still have such heroes today.
What went wrong?
How did we get here?

Christianity has turned into show business, we are in the era of what I call 'SSS'- Saccharine Christianity,Spiritual bankruptcy and Spiritual fraud.We now have more churches than companies and the more we have multiplication of churches,the more we have multiplication of vices,in our churches today we worship men of God rather than the God of men,the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation is gradually dying, no wonder our prayers are not being answered,no wonder we have cases of heart attacks, high blood pressure and premature deaths.Why can't we be imitators of Christ? Why can't we live our lives like the early Christians? Sometimes we ask" na me kill Jesus?" YES we killed him and we continue crucifying him daily with our way of life.No wonder Mahatma Gandhi said" I love your Christ but I hate the Christians"

Another disturbing issue is drug abuse.The damage which drug abuse is doing on young people can never be over emphasized. Seven out of every ten youth are neck deep into drug abuse.If it is not cigarette, Indian hemp or alcohol then it would be some hard stuffs like cocaine, heroine or some funny stuffs like solution and cow dung.The reasons given by these youths are never tenable, some if asked would tell you that it make them feel "high" (higher than mount Kilimanjaro or higher than God, only God knows). Some say they drink/take hard stuffs in order to forget their worries but to the best of my knowledge, it has not been proven that when you abuse drugs your worries disappears.After the getting high and low,you will still meet your problems where you left them.The question now is - do we need to hasten our own death all in the name of socializing? are these youths truly the leaders of tomorrow?
O youths of my generation, how did we get here?


Now let's talk about Platonic friendship.It is difficult to find. Nowadays, adultery, fornication, abortion,bestiality,homosexuality, incest, paedophilia and divorce has become norms in our society.So what happened to self control, purity and chastity? The true meaning of love has been blotted out of the memory of most young people, we sacrifice our dignities on the altar of earthly pleasures, we have reduced ourselves to statements like " I am human" or "body no be firewood". The rate at which couples are divorcing is quite alarming-after all the exotic weddings,bachelor/bachelorette parties,baby showers,bridal showers and all the showers.We are seriously losing our sanity.Gone are the days of our parents when they never met with their spouses before marriage but they still lived happily ever after,for better for worse they sticked together.

Bad/poor parenting is affecting children and the society at large. Seriously,some parents license of parenting need to be revoked,We now have parents who are less concern about good child upbringing,parents who are more concerned about taking their kids to miracle centers for exams instead of advising them to study hard, parents who see nothing wrong in taking their children/wards to the hospital for abortion, they allow the children or environment to decide for them,who told you that because you stay in slums or shanties your kids cannot behave like city kids? It all boils down to the training you give them as a parent,many parents are failing woefully in their duties as parents.we barely have innocent and vulnerable teenagers,what we hear of now is cultism,promiscuity, illmannered behaviors among teenagers. What happened to "Discipline"
O parents how did we get here?

As the year winds up,let's evaluate ourselves sincerely and make a positive change,tiny drop of water can make an ocean,it is never too late to start again.

Gudiespeaks is wishing you a happy new year in advance,may it be your year of completion and Perfection...Amen.


You have said it all @gudiespeaks. Truly some of us have lost our bearings. There's really a need for deep and total reflection

This is really insightful. @gudiespeaks, thanks for voicing these issues on this platform. I think bad parenting is a key factor to tackle here since 'family' is the smallest unit of the society. Marriages should be between two independent individuals who are ready to become interdependent.

Thanks @fessikay for your contribution.
Truly,charity begins at home.If we have good families,the society will also be good.