It is one of the favorite beaches of Margarita's island for the tourists and sportsmen
MARGARITA Amigos's beautiful ISLAND this beautiful beach thinks in the south side of Margarita's Island, one of the 3 that they shape the condition New Sparta, to the North-East of Venezuela, to approximately three kilometres of the international airport of the island.
The trade winds blow of constant from 15 to 30 knots during most of the year, and the slightly deep sea spreads to the south of the beach of several hundreds of meters, which allows to the windsurfistas to fall down of foot at the back of a flat sand. As in the majority of the Carib, the water is in the habit of being between 21 °-27 ° C, the sufficiently warm thing as to allow the windsurfing for hours taking only a swimsuit or bikini

It is one of the favorite beaches of Margarita's island for the tourists and sportsmen, is 5 ª better beach of the world to practise Windsurfing and KiteSurf. One of the most peculiar beaches of Daisy is the Yaque. It is located behind Margarita's airport, to approximately 5 minutes of the same one.

Looked so much by the lovers of the windsurfing, since for the families with small children. It has a lot of wind, calm and slightly Deep waters. Come to enjoy these rich vacations
muy bonita saludos te sigo
Vivo en margarita. Muy bella playa. Rodeada de posadas y hoteles.