Another day, another attitude shift.

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


It's easy to wake up feeling negative about the day.

Especially when what you are doing for a living isn't really your deeper goal, purpose, and path.

I realize that the struggle and knowledge gained from this transitional phase (from having a job just to get by, to living on purpose via one's passion) gives wisdom and benefits in and of itself, in the form of character building days, and interactions and relationships with people that shape you into who you were really meant to be.


I woke up today feeling pretty negative.

I would rather be setting up interviews for the Voluntary Japan show, researching, creating content, writing, filming, exploring new places, debating, and...researching....and....did I mention researching?

Anyway, I have to go sing and dance for a bunch of little kids at a kindergarten now. At first I felt like whining, complaining, and having a bad attitude. Choosing to be grateful instead, and to attack the day with an aggressive, positive attitude, rather than viewing myself as the unwilling passenger to be pulled along through the current of the day, I feel better now.

I am breathing. I'm alive. I have a steady job which helps me to Steem (lots of open schedule time) and gives me valuable experience with, and a chance to shape and encourage, the planet's most valuable and precious resource--kids.

Sure, it is not my real calling, or passion, dancing and singing "the hello song" all day, but I am on my way to my goal sure and steady, and am not guaranteed tomorrow today, so I'll take today for what it's worth, which is a lot!

I hope you will, too.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Very good post @kafkanarchy84. We do what we have to do to survive and that makes the time for our passions that much memorable. Good advice to keep a positive attitude. I need that also today. Thank you.

Glad to hear it. Thanks for this encouraging comment, too!

It would be pretty easy to feel defeated if it were not for knowing I am surrounded by other liberty lovers. We are all in the fight and standing together as friends. You're not alone. Drive forward, friend!

Everyday is gift. Glad to hear you could turn it to positive. Not everybody can do what you do(singin/dancing). I think you should embrace that talent, that shall make your path to your dream faster. You will look back and miss these days. Thanks for sharing.

You are giving. You are grateful. Thanks for the post.
Just wrote this today on my morning routine.
It's my best trick to get happy in the morning.

Take a moment to check it out. It's real and its me.
Happy tomorrow morning to you

Keep grinding. It's the part of life as one can only progress if he starts loving the grind. A quote by Tony Robbins. The best motivational speaker I have ever seen in my life. So, if you keep ding what you have to do for survival, it's getting you to your goal coz the most important part of success is to take the shit life throws at you. Hope you soon find your passion and thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

Keep grinding.

You said it, brother. Will do.

"viewing myself as the unwilling passenger to be pulled along through the current of the day"
Poetry to my ears. That is totally how I am sometimes. I just blame it on depression usually. And i do have clinical depression. But you know what, theres been those times like the way you've described your attitude to this day that I've incorporated a similar attitude and felt better , functioned better. It can be done! Resteemed!

Nice post I myself am an Educator and so i know this feeling thanks for sharing yours.

Nice pics thanx for sharing

I feel positive when wake up Hope my whole day will go well . May be it turn to negative thinking by other external factors on rest of the day.

Thanks so much for this positive post! From someone who has had to sing and dance and jump through the hoops many times over this really hit home. I woke up today feeling pretty negative about my day/week/etc. but you reminded me how we choose to perceive the day really can affect the outcome. I need to remind myself of this more often and appreciate what i do have and what a blessing it is.
Timely post, thank you