Classroom Evil

in #motivation7 years ago

There was a girl in my secondary school
She was my classmate,
Very young and innocent
Carefree and outgoing......,although not considered very intelligent when it comes to academics but she was undoubtedly gifted in writing.
Are you wondering why I'm writing about this girl?
Well,her name doesn't matter right now....,what matter is what you're about to read.

She would write stories not minding the bunch of grammatical errors,Wrong spellings and inaccurate punctuations.
But one thing!
She was indirectly bullied by a particular set of people,
Those people whom we entrust our kids into their care for at least 8hours in every working days
Those people we believe are imparting a lot on our children
Those people who expect to teach our dear kids the morals they need to grow with.
Yes! Those people.......,the teachers.

I watched her being bullied by teachers for 6 good years
I watched her struggle to be seen and heard but was never heard!
These people killed her self-esteem with demoting words.
No one believed in her writing potentials
One striking scenario that really got me was a period where all interested students were preparing for a spelling competition.
A pre spelling competition was organized by the school to select the five best students who would represent them in the State.
She unbeatably came out first and what happened next?
The teachers sadly announced that they would come up with another criteria of selecting students.
The reason is not farfetched.
Their "worthy" students weren't qualified.
I might not recount the other ways these people demoted the poor girl.
But finally they succeeded in making her feel worthless
They watered her low self esteem and nurtured her timidity.
Her morale was killed and buried.
I witnessed her sparkling light go dim.

Awful huh!
Well.....,the pathetic persona in this story is me.
I'm not biting the fingers that fed me....,they contributed tiredlessly to my success story but lemme point this out.
Do you want to blame me because I claim teachers thwarted and frustrated my writing skill?
Are you angry at me already because I blamed them for not grooming me to be what I wanted to be?
Would you crucify me for judging the same people who taught me?
Please go ahead......, but before you do first check this out.

Do you know that teachers has greater influence on pupil/students than parents?
You don't but its true.
Because you're a teacher,do you think your only duty is to teach,give assessments,mark and correct errors?
You're wrong if that's what you think.
You glow very well in class with the very bright students and make mockery of the dumb ones.......yet you call yourself a teacher?
A student is a stammerer,and you're very well aware....,yet you would still want him to do the talking during reports just for others to laugh......yet you still call yourself a teacher.
You demote the less intelligent ones in any possible way......n you call yourself a teacher.

You flog students mercilessly when they doze in your class but have you ever tried to find out why he/she is sleeping?
You call somebody's child the worst names in your vocabulary because he/she fights a lot yet you can't spare you 5 minutes to try talk them into telling you why they fight often?
You caught students practicing sex acts,because you're a teacher,you hit them with anything you lay your hands on.
You report them to the school authority, you report them to parents and talk about them anywhere you find yourself.
You've succeeded in making people see them as "the worst people"
But don't know that just 10 minutes of talking and advising these duo can change their lives forever?
You twist your jaw and give a God forsaken frown when a bully in class greets you but you won't mind laughing all out when its your favourite student.
You make yourself extremely unapproachable just because you're a teacher. WELLDONE
Great teacher!
Truly your reward is in heaven,God will surely judge you.

The best thing any teacher can do to his/her students/pupils is to believe in them and make them come to the realisation that that really do.
Yes! I sword to write until my pen stops flowing when my last written work in secondary school was appreciated.
The interview report. Atleaat,someone acknowledged I had done something.

When I started to teach, I noticed a student in my class who was quite a loner,
He was very healthy and handsome.
We had one thing in common, outstanding laughter!
And that really got me to notice him,but each time he'd laughed,his colleagues would shut him up with bullies.
They would say things like....." E eh,that has to be him,its only to laugh like this that this one know,he can't even write his name....and bla bla....."
Any human being in his shoe would keep quiet ASAP which he always did.
When I hot very comfortable with these kids,I had gists with him and found out he was never a dummy but how come he knows nothing?
Even his own name he couldn't write.
I discovered he only needed maximum duration to study before getting a thing in his head but a particular teacher would always express awe dismay if he gets anything right.....seriously.
It made the poor kid settle for less,he concluded he's stupid.... That's all!

I understand its tiring to endure bull shits from other peoples children,but while you nag and direct your anger and frustration on the them,always remember that its what you bargained and signed for.