Value your morning

in #motivation6 years ago

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A man is a triune meaning morning, afternoon and night. What you do with your morning goes a long way to determine what your afternoon will be.

Once your afternoon is certified as excellent, then you won't have issues thinking about what your night will be because it will definitely be great.

A man who has refused to make the most of his morning will surely become a slave to his mates, people lower than him, and of course, people above him.

The morning of every man is the most fertile season of his life, once manhandled, regret and had I known is what usually become the order of the day. Note, your morning matters a lot, don't eat it away with nonsense.

Hear me, your morning speaks about your rising, that is, a period where you plan and prepare yourself for a future you desire. It is that time you sit up to prioritize your life so as to know what's good for you.

If you spend your morning to youthful exuberance, gambling around with associations that cannot decorate your destiny and engaging in vices that can reduce your chances of becoming a living legend, it simply means you are yet to grow up.

Listen, successful men and women who are doing fantastically well in life ain't different from you. If you check their history, background and biography carefully, you will realize that they value their morning to the letter. The beauty of becoming the youngest champion in life is embedded in valuing your morning.

Valuing your morning simply means setting your priorities right, it means pursuing the right information at the right time, it means studying as at when due, it means learning the necessary skills that coincides with what you possess as gifts required for growth and expansion, and it means having an in depth knowledge and understanding about the Almighty God.

When all these are in place, then your journey to greatness cannot be impeded by any forces of darkness, no one will be able to double cross your way, and if they make any attempt, they won't return with their whole body. Perhaps, you are still in between the devil and the deep blue sea, I stand in the place of the Almighty and I decree an enlightenment upon your confusion.

Friend, value your morning, it is the best interest, investment and contribution you can make for yourself. The only thing you can have as deposit is embedded in how much you invested in your morning, and trust me, it will certainly pay off.

Note: Value your morning and reap an harvest of overflow both in your afternoon and your night. If you don't want to beg at old age, endeavor to invest in your morning, and in case you felt your morning is wasted, kindly utilize your afternoon wisely and judiciously by not repeating the same mistake you made during your morning.images (45).jpg