in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Dear Minnow,

This is a hard talk post to knock you back to consciousness. Perhaps you have been in psychological coma all this while. Why? It could be one or more of the following reasons:

  • Because you follow too much.
  • You only do things because others are doing it.
  • You buy into every frigging crowd mentality out there.
  • You eat shit if a celebrity says you should eat shit.
  • You obey even when there are no rules.
  • You don't think on your own.
  • Even when you think its always within the box.
  • You enjoy your comfort zone and can't trade it for success.
  • You love being average because everybody else is average.
  • Infact, you are living your life like it is a movie written by Mr Someone Else.

IF YOU ARE THE PERSON I DESCRIBED ABOVE, then give yourself a hard-knock on the head.

Jokes apart, I mean it. Give yourself that knock now or I may have to do it for you. YOU SUCK!


Is that you right there?
Yeah! Its definitely you...
Because you are allowing other people box you into a corner...
images (40).jpg

For how long do you want to continue being this way?
When do you hope to stop being a push-over?
Nobody likes push-overs.
Yeah! Really. It sounds counter-intuitive but it is what it is.


WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING? To hell? Maybe you tell me...

A person who is living an unexamined /undirected life has no ambition.
Nothing to chase.
No goal that is beyond his or her doing capacity.
No vision strong enough to wake him/her up in the morning and keep him/her going.

People are generally said to be politically-incorrect when they are saying a truth that noone wants to hear.

When you are telling it as it is,
They label you in other to shut you up.
But unless you have that real personal motivation, you will go and hide in your shell.
So : truth or lies? Choose one!


Yeah. You really have to.
Enough is enough!
You deserve to be your own boss.
The architect of your life's great design.
The driver of your journey.
The master planner of your soul's estate.
Who do you leave it to? ME? or Mr. Someone Else?
He/she will drive you to his own goals, not yours.
In the end you just live a life chasing other people's goals.
And you have to manage the crumbles they give you to eat.
So sad!
Because they will never teach you how to fish.
They only give you little fish bones, so that you come back for more.
Unchain yourself.
Speak your mind.
If you wanto have fish, go learn how to fish.
Google "fishing" and you are ready to go.

Truth is you don't have to be a politician to be P.I...

Just say the truth whenever you see it.
No matter how hard it may seem.
No matter who it may hurt.
Hmmm! I must warn you, it hurts like hell.
Especially when you hear that thing you have always known but tell yourself its not important.


Coz the mind is where it all begins.
Change your thoughts; change your life!


Have you ever taken the time to go through the articles on your steemit feeds?
What do you see?
Who are you following?
What are they telling you to do?
I'm probably sure they are filling your head with shitty ideas.
Thats why your posts are shitty?
We have to change that!
Revamp your timeline for good. NOW!

What if you have a family that motivates you 24/7?

What if there's a place for STRONG HUMANS WITH BIG DREAMS?
Like I said earlier, if your dreams don't scare you, they ain't worth it.
So lets change who you learn how to dream from...NOW!


Server Link: https://discord.gg/2uhPXj

When you get there, you will see @valorforfreedom, @hopehuggs, @luming, @tbaumer, etcz. These are all men and women pursuing great goals...but they aren't afraid to start little.

So If you want to join us and sing this song : "started from the bottom now we here"... then join us and do this deed...

See yah!


I remain me, my mouth and eye @nairadaddy aka SteemDaddy. My aim is to leave you better than I find you everyday!

Courtesy @stellabelle


Dear @nairadaddy, you are not just a doctor by profession, you are also a doctor of heart, you just know the exact words to say to motivate and inspire someone.

Independence begins in the mind. To be truly independent we need change our mindset, decide who we want to be and what we really want out of life. Then we work towards it, only then can we truly not settle for less. These are the first steps of being politically incorrect, it all begins from within. This is a typical Monday motivation and i hope people learn from it.. Keep it up.

Thanks so much @nmalove for the kind words. I'm glad you see me that way. My aim is always to make an impact. Life without aim doesn't help anybody. To have an aim we first must liberate our minds and begin to think for ourselves. Dig deep within us coz there's alot of gold in there.

Cheers dear!


Political correctness was designed so the sheeple would police each other through fear of speaking out. I've never subscribed to such an insipid system of control. I say what I fucking like and if people don't like it they can fuck right off!!

Lolx @ this word "sheeple". So sad but true. We ought to emancipate our minds and speak out what we believe and what we want. Only then can success come. And the funny thing is that these same Sheeples will look at you and wonder how you made it.

Thanks for dropping by. Cheers!


Today's world is full of lemmings. It is easier to follow than stand up for what you believe in. It starts young when children are spoon fed topics in school and then regurgitate for exams. We need to start teaching them to think for themselves. Give them the conference to express their opinions without fear of reprisal.

Exactly my thoughts. Too much folow-follow these days more than lead-lead. People just acting as if they forgot they actually have a brain. We can make an excuse for a Down's Syndrome Patient. But no excuses for a full-grown man/ woman who refuses to use his God-given brains and think for him/herself.

Our educational system is hugely flawed. Garbage in -garbage out is all they do there. It should be more of inspiring kids to generate ideas on their own instead.

Cheers dear! Nice to have you on our #AIR-CLINIC. Let's decentralize healthcare.

hey @nairadaddy

I am not replying you because i am backed down into a corner haha😂.

Just to say you are doing awesone friend.

I stand to be politically incorrect 😉



Hey @dante31, come join us in this discord chat, its a lot of fun and hard work and it could do with some of your mellexy style #beserkers

I will be there... watchout for me

Lolx. Thanks @dante31.
Btw: lemme task your brain. If you were in that situation, how do you get out!

Poets know better...


That is a loose loose situation fam.

From the image above.

The best solution is to face the first challenge that led to the situation .i.e the lion.
(applicable in life)

Solid ground is better. You can take your chances when you have a solid foundation (the ground i.e in the illustration and also an analogy).

The tree is the snake's comfort zone, there is no way around for him especially when his life is hanging in the balance.

Dropping into the water is suicide. Apart from the visible predators, you never know what is below the surface.

Since the tree is going to fall anyway. the best thing to do is to swing to the surface and take your chances.

That's it fam. We gotta stop running from life and start chasing what is chasing us...
I always believe a poet knows better... and you just proved it man.

Coming from a country where political correctness reigns supreme, it is almost a crime punishable by death (social death) to say some certain things. Even the highly educated are affected by this virus of being politically correct to avoid being labeled all sort of names bothering on the negative. Being open-minded is now as rare as a purple tiger (dunno if that ever existed). Most of the time, instead of being either politically correct or incorrect at those point in time, I refrain from being neither. It may seem cowardly, but I believe you get to fight another day when you are in the midst of like-minded people.

But sometimes, I may just be that guy that does not give a hoot and say it as it is with my "death" staring me in the face <3

I see exactly what you mean bro. Our country needs a lot of political incorrectness right now. But first we must start with ourselves. Every man in his own way should say what he has in his mind. Every man must conquer his fears, chase his dreams and become whatever good he wants to become.

Enough of the lies and propaganda. Right now I rarely listen to news or watch it. Its a waste of my precious time. I should be steeming or chasing my goALS with that time.

Thanks for stopping by! And its definitely nice to see you in da house. Happy to have another Nigerian there. Cheers man!

#Beserkers. #Hug-Challenge!

Oh yeah, it is an awesome community. Feels good to be there.

The school of hard-knocks.....

Most definitely. Thats the kind of school we all need to attend everyday to maintain our consciousness....we can't afford to be ordinary.

Join us in the discord server for #Beserkers let's moon together!


Bro what did you eat or see before posting because this post was spot on but very lengthy. Although I did read it till the end. I would like to advise you to use Grammarly either the free version or the paid one if you can afford it. That will help you get rid of certain typos like it's instead of its. However, it's just a suggestion which you can take or leave. Thank you for reading this comment and have a nice day. #SteemitBloggers. #Hug challenge.

Thanks @amarbir. You definitely deserve to join us over there. If you think you got what it takes though....

See yah! Cheers!

#Beserkers #Hug-Challenge!

What exactly are you talking about??

If i'm not mistaken, i reckon he was talking about the Discord channel highlighted above.... I stand to be corrected tho!

You may be right but I'd still like a confirmation from @Nairadaddy. Thanks for reading this comment. Have a nice day.

Solid post as always Naira.

I didn't expect anything else.

I am glad you are a part of the team.

Many people are afraid to become members of the team because they know they will have to give 100%.

Our standards keep lazy people outside.

And that is fucking awesome!

As always man. Its good to be good because good will come when good is done. Cheers man!

Very nicely put! Labels are exactly just that, people should definitely free themselves from them and allow themselves to be brought down by them. It's a tough road for some though, because the world isn't fair. But that's why we need motivators like you to break people out. What a great way to start the day pumped.

Btw the tag is missing an r: #berserkers

Oh. @eonwarped. You gorrit right brov. The world aint fair but we gotta return the justice. I have corrected the "r" error. i was kinda pondering on the correct spelling. Cheers!

For us to succeed we need to stop following the crowd, redefine our objective and look for the right mentorship.

If you want go fast go alone but if you want to go far go with people

Exactly my friend. This is a welcome mindset . We can follow the crowd because we have our own way...Cheers!