Best paid job

in #motivation3 years ago

Photography: Cris Ried -

Learning to code can guarantee you a better quality of life.

Coding, for many people, is a difficult job. Yes, it is when you don't try. In this case, trying means:
  • Learning to solve problems.
  • Applying logic
  • Knowing the syntax of the programming languages.

But is coding for everyone?

The answer is no.

Not because it is impossible to achieve it, but because we simply make the decision not to learn to program, either because we find it difficult, because we are lazy or because we are interested in another area of knowledge.

I don't blame you, to learn to program you have to have passion, passion for code. Doing it just to make good money makes you unhappy.

Yes, you make good money. The more you scale, the better your salary will be.

What is the age to learn to program?

The good news is that there is no age for new knowledge, you can learn to program at any age. The only difference of starting as a child is that you have a lot of time available to learn and many years ahead to gain experience. As adults, we have limited time due to work and family obligations, this is not an excuse. You can do it!

It is a very good idea to induce the youngest children in the house to be more content generators and less content consumers. From the year 2010 to the present day, children are part of what is called Generation T. The world is now less physical and more tactile, this convenience gives us more free time by processing tasks faster. We should take advantage of this time to teach our children to be content generators and knowledge multipliers.

Teaching them to program is a good idea, not on a whim, but because software development is an industry with many opportunities in the present and in the future, apart from the fact that, like mathematics and learning a new language, it expands cognitive capacity.

Currently, it has been demonstrated that the sector that has most survived the COVID pandemic has been the technology industries, i.e., rain, shine or shine, this sector will be the most favored.

Now, let's not pretend that all children become developers, the goal is that they adopt the analytical and logical capacity to solve problems in the professional career they have chosen.

How to take the first steps?

From 3 - 99 years old. Seriously!

Start by playing Yes! play. It's that easy, fun and free


Teens and adults:

Think of a project you want to do and do it, a large community of developers and search engine queries like Google are there to help you. During this process you will learn new technologies that will make your life as a real developer rewarding.

Regardless of the path you take in programming, make sure you cultivate and take care of soft skills, that way you relate and interact with other people (communication, patience, persuasion, empathy, motivation, time management, others).

Start today! If you put it off until tomorrow, you'll never get it done.

"It's a very challenging process that will really push your mental fortitude, but if you're able to stick with it, it will seriously change your life."
Brenden Thornton - Software Engineer