How To Generate Leads Online | 8 Secrets Every Struggling Network Marketer Needs To Know For Building a Successful Business

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)


How To Generate Leads For Your Struggling Network Marketing Business The Smart Way

  • Are you tired of making a list of family and friends?
  • Are you sick of doing home meetings?
  • Are you tired of drawing circles on napkins?
  • Are you exhausted from all the rejection you’ve endured?

If this sounds like you, then you are about to learn the best network marketing secrets, even your upline doesn’t know.

To tell you the truth….

You’re about to learn network marketing tips for guaranteed success!

By the end of this in-depth Training, you will have learned everything there is to learn about being one of those successful network marketers.

This article is for anyone who wants to know exactly how to succeed in network marketing by implementing ALL the success secrets that you will learn today:

8 Dirty Little Secrets Your Upline Doesn't Want You To Know About Building a Successful Downline

  1. How To Start Network Marketing The Smart Way and Avoid Losing Money!
  2. 5 Tips Every Struggling Network Marketer Needs To Know To Be Successful
  3. The Best Network Marketing Training Not Even Your Upline Knows About
  4. How To Build a Network Marketing Business Quickly and Easily With Little To No Money
  5. How To Prospect In Network Marketing To Build Your Downline FAST!
  6. Secrets To Network Marketing That Will Have Everyone Talking About YOU!
  7. How To Start a Network Marketing Business Online and Generate Leads on Auto Pilot!
  8. Network Marketing Success Stories You Need To Hear For Building Your Business Successfully!

CLICK HERE TO LEARN An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…


How To Start Network Marketing The Smart Way and Avoid Losing Money!

I’m sure you know the traditional way of starting your Network marketing business, and that’s making a list of your friends and family.

If you’re like me, I bet you hate that feeling of making the list, let alone picking up the phone and calling them.

Or, how about when this is the 3rd time you’re calling them about something new? ...What an awful feeling that is.

I’m here to say, scrap that old school ineffective way of starting your network marketing business.

The year is 2020, and it’s time that we utilize the beautiful technology of today to help us in our business success.

Here’s what you’ll want to do instead of making a list to start your business the right way!

How To Increase Your Value So That You Become The HUNTED and NOT The Hunter

The best way to explain this is to give you an example…

Let’s say you wake up in the middle of the forest with 9 others.

You have no idea where you are or how to get back home.

One of the people you are with used to be in the army and he knows a lot about being out in the forest.

He knows things like, how to make a fire, how to make a waterproof shelter, how to find food and many other survival skills to make it out alive.

Do you think this one person is valuable to the group?

Of course he is!

Let’s say another person of the group has never been out of the city before and knows absolutely nothing about how to survive.

Is this person valuable to the group?

Of course not, they’d be useless.

If you had the opportunity to follow one or the other out into the woods, which person would you choose to go with?

Of course you’d choose the ex-military person with all the survival skills.

You’d have confidence in coming back home alive wouldn’t you?


How To Increase Your Value and Become Irresistible So People Want To Follow You

The reason the ex-military person is so valuable to the group is because of their vast knowledge and skills.

So what you want to do for yourself is simply, increase your knowledge and your skills as fast as possible.

Reading this article, is increasing your knowledge and value.

If you implement all the resources I give to you today, you’ll have no choice but to have massive success in your network marketing business.

This is how you want to start your business avoid losing money by increasing your knowledge and your skills.

I want you to read this list again:

8 Dirty Little Secrets Your Upline Doesn't Want You To Know About Building a Successful Downline

  1. How To Start Network Marketing The Smart Way and Avoid Losing Money!
  2. 5 Tips Every Struggling Network Marketer Needs To Know To Be Successful
  3. The Best Network Marketing Training Not Even Your Upline Knows About
  4. How To Build a Network Marketing Business Quickly and Easily With Little To No Money
  5. How To Prospect In Network Marketing To Build Your Downline FAST!
  6. Secrets To Network Marketing That Will Have Everyone Talking About YOU!
  7. How To Start a Network Marketing Business Online and Generate Leads on Auto Pilot!
  8. Network Marketing Success Stories You Need To Hear For Building Your Business Successfully!

Now Let me ask you a simple question....

If you mastered all eight of these secrets, do you think you would know how to build a network marketing business successfully?


Can you see how increasing your knowledge and expertise is far more valuable than some stupid friends and family list when it comes to your Network Marketing success?

Excellent! Let’s move on….

CLICK HERE TO LEARN An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…

5 Tips Every Struggling Network Marketer Needs To Know To Be Successful

If you are a beginner in network marketing, I have some bad news….

You have a long way to go.

Don’t take that too badly though, because you have to remember that everyone started somewhere.

The good news is you don’t have any bad habits, and you can start off by learning the best network marketing team building strategies that I will lay out for you in this guide.

Always remember this one quote:

“Repetition is the mother of skill.” ~ Tony Robbins

I’m going to give you 5 things you can start doing today whether you are a beginner in network marketing or you are a seasoned one.

  1. CLICK HERE to sign up for your FREE 10-day bootcamp before anything else.

  2. After every day of the bootcamp, take one thing you learned and implement it right away.
  3. By the end of the bootcamp, at minimum, you’ll have taken 10 actions with 10 new skills you’ve learned.
  4. Go through the Bootcamp again, this time repeating the same 10 actions, plus a new 10 actions.
  5. Repeat this process at least 3 times.
    After learning these network marketing strategies from the bootcamp, you’ll have implemented and taken action on 30 new skills.

You have increased your value by so much more than most other network marketers.

If you did nothing else except those 5 things I just mentioned, your business will skyrocket like you never thought possible.

I cannot tell you how many times people come to me and say how they are constantly losing money in their business.
Then I ask if they signed up for the 10 Day Bootcamp and they say no......


The Best Network Marketing Training Not Even Your Upline Knows About

Your keys to success in network marketing is in direct correlation to the training that you implement.

I’m not talking about going to events and getting all hyped up.

Motivation is great and all, but you have to know how to use it strategically.

Let me explain….

Going back to the example of you being “lost in the forest”:

You wake up all alone in the middle of the forest, and you have no idea how to get back home.

The only thing you have is an mp3 player with some motivational tapes on it.

You have no clue where to go, what direction, or anything. You're absolutely lost....

You decide to make it your mission to find your way out of the forest and get back home to your family.

You turn on your mp3 player and begin to listen to your motivational tapes, you get all hyped up, and motivated!

You pick a direction and you GO!

You have ZERO clue whether you are on the right path or not, but you're hyped and motivated and you feel that's all that matters.

Unfortunately, hours go by, and you feel even more lost.

You're hungry, you're tired, and becoming weaker as the minutes go by.

You try hyping yourself up again with your motivational tapes, but with every step you take, you feel you are getting more and more lost....

Now, what if you had the skills of knowing how to survive in the forest?

If you took your survival skills, and your motivation from listening to your motivational tapes, do you think you would have a better chance of getting out of the forest?


This is the single biggest reason why most network marketers FAIL...

Many Network Marketers have the motivation, but they DO NOT have the skills or knowledge to build a successful Network Marketing business.

This is exactly why YOU need to know the best training that even your upline doesn't know about.
This training teaches you real life business skills of:

  • How to Easily Sign Up Distributors Through Cold Calling
  • How To Use The Internet for Auto-Pilot Lead Generation
  • Surprisingly Effective Ways for Inviting Prospects To Your Business Presentation
  • And much, MUCH more....

CLICK HERE TO LEARN An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…


How To Build a Network Marketing Business Quickly and Easily With Little To No Money

Now if you’re like most, you want to know how to succeed in network marketing today without losing your shirt.

I don’t blame you.

However, you must realize that you won’t make $1,000 today, but you can definitely succeed in your network marketing business today.

But you MUST take action!

Most network marketing companies have pretty great products and I’m sure the company you’re in does too.

How I made $1,023.54 my first month in Network Marketing even after being told NO!

So here’s what you’ve got to do.

My network marketing company had a great health product that did amazing benefits for my dad and my mom who had multiple sclerosis.

I was actually a customer of my product before I was a distributor.

My mom told me about how much better she was sleeping, how she had more energy throughout the day, and she told me in secret that my Dad's constipation was gone....

After I had this amazing testimonial from my parents, I contacted everyone I knew who was either older, overweight, not the healthiest, or had previous health issues.

And with over 60% of Canadians being all of these things, I didn't have to search very hard.

A one month supply of my product was $125 for one person.

When I would contact people, they would tell me no, over and over again.

It even got to a point where a few of them stopped answering my phone calls.

This made for a few awkward thanksgiving dinners....

But for everyone else who still answered my phone calls, I wouldn’t take no for an answer.

I said things like...

  • “If you could get a full night's sleep every day of the week, what would that be worth to you?”

  • “If you had more energy to do the things that you love, what would that be worth to you?”

  • “If amazing benefits like those were to happen for you in your first month, would it be worth $125?”

I believed in my product so much, I even went as far as saying,

"How about this, you buy this one case, drink this juice 3x a day and if by the end of the month you don't feel like your health is much better than when you started, I'll give you your money back!"

That first month in my network marketing business, I made $1,023.54

When you make your first $1,000 in network marketing, I can’t even tell you the feelings I felt.

I got this cheque in the mail, and I remember looking at it and these feelings came over me like I had never felt before.

This cheque represented all of my hard work that I had put in, and it was worth it.

To make a long story short, I BELIEVED in my product, and I took MASSIVE action!

If you want to know how to succeed in network marketing today, that’s what you have to do.

I'll be the first one to tell you that it’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it!

CLICK HERE TO LEARN An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…


How To Prospect In Network Marketing To Build Your Downline FAST!

For those of you who don’t know, but network marketing recruiting is where you will make the most money from your business, so you NEED to be signing people up into your business.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to invite strangers to your opportunity without being weird or creepy, or what are the best places to prospect for network marketing, then you’ll need to learn the best prospecting techniques in order to be successful.

Let’s start off with how to easily recruit prospects into your business

Rule #1 - Don’t go out ‘prospecting’

This is taught by so many terrible network marketers and it’s so bad.

You get a shopping mall full of creepy people trying to recruit you into their business.

So plain and simple, DO NOT do this!

It’s very similar to dating. Don’t go out ‘dating’, or go on dating apps, or even looking.

Remember how we talked about how to increase your value so that you become the HUNTED and NOT The Hunter?

When you learn how to do that, you’ll have a constant flow of people wanting to date you.

Or in this case, wanting to learn about your business and wanting to come to your business meeting.

If you don’t have the skills, you won’t get the leads and you’ll seem desperate and no one wants to get into business with someone desperate.

Also, no one wants to date anyone desperate either…

If you want to know how to prospect strangers in network marketing the easy way, you’ve got to know that it’s just a part of your life.

  • You’re at the grocery store talking to people.

  • You’re at work talking to your coworkers.

  • You’re picking up your mail from your local post office.

What you do in a day, you are surrounded by so many opportunities.

This is the same as dating.

Potential mates are everywhere in your everyday life, and there’s no need for dating apps, or going out of your way to be “dating”.

Now the next step is….

How to approach a prospect in network marketing without being a creepy weirdo

A terrible network marketer would walk up to them with only one thing in mind, recruiting them into their network marketing business.


Here’s something you have to know, you must be patient!

Not everyone is fit for your network marketing business, and you don’t want everyone in your network marketing business.

So don’t get stuck on that one track mind.

Instead what you want to do, is just genuinely get to know people.

If you’ve seen a couple at the grocery store the past 5 times, say something like, “Hey I seen you guys here a few times, you live around here?”

You may only have a 2 minute conversation, and that’s okay.

You don’t even know if you want them in your business. That's right, you may not want them in your business. They could be negative and cynical and you don't want that part of your team.

You may find out that they live across the street.

The point is, you are genuinely getting to know people.

“People only do business with people they know, like and trust.”

It may take you up to 3 months before you ever talk to them about your business.

But if that’s what it takes in order to sign up a heavy hitter, then so be it.

Also, you don’t want to talk to them about your business. You want them to ask you about your business.

How this is done is you simply moving forward with your business.

They’ll see this, and they will naturally start to ask you about it over and over again.

As long as you’re confident in your business and products, and you are genuine to them, it will be so easy to say,

“Hey next week we are hosting a party for our business and I know you’ve been asking about it, I wanted to invite you and you could meet some of the people. I think you’ll like them. What do you say?”

Can you imagine the success rate you’ll have.

CLICK HERE TO LEARN An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…


How To Recruit For Network Marketing Using Facebook

Remember earlier I said,

"The year is 2020, and it’s time that we utilize the beautiful technology of today to help us in our network marketing success."

What if you could learn how to recruit prospects into your business from the comfort of your home using only your phone?

That’s exactly what is possible in today’s world, and you have the opportunity to learn it today!

People like to complicate social media and facebook, but at the end of the day, it’s no different than being at a party with a group of people.

Because of this, the same rules apply as if you were in person.

Be patient!

  • Genuinely get to know people
  • Find out their hopes and dreams
  • Their struggles and their fears
  • Along with their motivations

Don’t be weird just because you’re chatting through a facebook messaging app or something similar.

Be the same confident, funny, charming person you are in real life, through the online app.

Also, you are allowed to be active on facebook, but don’t be spammy.

You know those spammy people who post nothing but their products or business.

Talk about boring and annoying…. Don’t do that!

Share photos of you and how you’re excited about this new product you found out about and how you’ve heard it has helped thousands of people all around the world.

But don’t make ALL your posts about your business because you look desperate.

Post photos that would make someone ask you a question.

I posted photos of my mom opening up her box of product. I wrote posts about how she has benefitted from it. I told her story and eventually people started facebook messaging me and asking me questions about this “miracle product”.

Just be normal and people will come to you.

It may sound crazy but it’s so true.

You’re not being pushy, desperate or anything like that.

In essence you are being ‘attractive’ and you are attracting people to you.

If you’d like to learn much more on how to recruit for network marketing using facebook, click the link below:



Secrets To Network Marketing That Will Have Everyone Talking About YOU!

If you want to know how to succeed in a network marketing business, then you must know the network marketing strategies of the pros and the big hitters.

Because I can tell you, they are not going out to shopping malls desperately looking for potential prospects, using outdated prospecting techniques.

They have a constant flow of leads and prospects coming to them and if you apply everything I’ve taught you today in this in-depth training, you’ll know exactly how to grow your network marketing business faster than you thought possible!

How To Spend Your Time Effectively To Grow Your Business Quickly!

Most newbie network marketers are out there prospecting, and wasting valuable time on poor quality prospects.

Most of your time should be increasing your value. Think of the top person in your network marketing business. I’m talking about the ‘GURU’.

How many phone calls a day do you think they get from people trying to recruit them into their company?

Most likely, endless phone calls.

Why is that? They have value and you don’t. That’s why.

Attraction Marketing is The Single Most Valuable Skill You Can Learn To Become a Network Marketing Superstar!

Attraction marketing is the mother of all skills to learn and when you learn attraction marketing, your entire life will be forever changed.

If you’re single and want to date, you’ll have an endless amount of potential mates coming to you when you utilize the skills of Attraction Marketing.

If you’re wanting to advance in your career, because of Attraction Marketing, you’ll have opportunities arise from many different places and people.

When you start implementing Attraction Marketing in your network marketing business, people will see you and want you to lead them to success.

You Have Become The HUNTED and NOT The Hunter

This means:

  • No more desperate cold calls or awkward hotel meetings

  • No more passing out flyers or talking to strangers like a complete weirdo

  • No more hassling your friends or family to join ANOTHER one of your pyramid things...

What if people paid you to see your business opportunity?

It sounds crazy I know.... but when people see you being a leader and a successful business owner, they’ll say, “What will it cost for you to show me what you’re doing?”

CLICK HERE TO LEARN How to become the hunted, instead of the hunter and have prospects knocking down your door or calling you with credit card in hand, ready to join or buy from your business.​


How To Start a Network Marketing Business Online and Generate Leads on Auto Pilot!

Building a network marketing business online is actually easier than you think, and the smarter way to lead you to success faster than ever!

If you want to know how to succeed in network marketing online, then you MUST learn the online marketing strategies of the pros!

Keep in mind, I’m going to give you the basics, but I will provide you with a great resource below to learn even more online strategies.

Did you know that people are going to google right now and searching for terms like:

  • best network marketing company
  • best mlm compensation plan
  • best mlm companies to join
  • And so many more….

These are searched in Google over 10,000 times each month.

These are people who are looking to join a company.

So it’s obvious you need to know how to start marketing YOUR business online to attract them to you.

One way you can do is, buying Google ads for the search terms I mentioned above.

That way your ad can be the first thing they see. You can then direct them to your capture page.

A capture page can look like this…


Depending on your settings, you can choose to ask for things like their Name, Email, and Phone Number.

Imagine if 100 people who were looking for the best company to join, gave you their Name, Email, and Phone Number.

Don't you think those would be the best leads you could ever get rather than prospecting to strangers in shopping malls?

They may not even be qualified to join your business, for many reasons, but ultimately it’s up to you if you want them to join you.

If they don’t join you, you can sell them a product that teaches them your skills and knowledge on how to have success in network marketing.

This can be something around $47 and will teach them so much and they’ll love you for it.

After that, you could offer them a coaching session for $297, where you’ll discuss what’s good and not good about their network marketing business.

I could write another 3,000 word page about all the details on how to start a network marketing business online, but click the link below to learn everything you need to know to start a network marketing business online and generate leads on auto pilot!

CLICK HERE TO LEARN how to use the internet to generate leads, separate your hot prospects from the “suspects” and get paid to do it!

Network Marketing Success Stories You Need To Hear For Building Your Business Successfully!

Who doesn’t love an amazing success story?

I know I sure do!

It gets your mind thinking:

What if….

  • What if I was able to fire my boss?
  • What if I was able to take that dream vacation?
  • What if I was able to retire my wife, husband, and my parents?

I’m going to give you 3 of the BEST podcasts so that you can get your fill of some of the most amazing network marketing success stories from people who started from nothing but have had incredible success in their business online and offline.

I know for me, hearing an amazing success story, fuels me to push forward in my own business.

Remember how we already talked about using motivation?

The 3 Network Marketing Podcasts To Help You Build Your Successful Business Fast :

  • MLM Nation
  • MLM Success Stories Podcast
  • The Podcast for Full Time Network Marketing Leaders

These 3 podcasts are so good and I’m 100% sure you’ll enjoy them as much as I do, becasue the network marketing success stories are so inspiring.

CLICK HERE for your FREE Attraction Marketing Boot Camp and receive step-by-step instructions on how to ATTRACT prospects & customers to your business!

Final Thoughts on How To Generate Leads Online | 8 Secrets Every Struggling Network Marketer Needs To Know For Building a Successful Business

I want to thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

I have put so much into this and I hope nothing but success for you in your network marketing business.

I truly believe if you apply every strategy I have outlined for you in this mini online course, you can and you WILL have success in your network marketing business!

If you enjoyed this, or maybe you have your own network marketing tips and tricks, please share them with others in the comments below.

If I think of any more network marketing success tips, I will add them to the comments below as well for you.

If you know of anyone who may be asking:

  • How to grow fast in network marketing?
  • How can I get success in network marketing?
  • How can I make money fast in network marketing?

Please share this post with them and i’m sure they will enjoy these tips for guaranteed success.

CLICK HERE TO LEARN An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…


I've gotten a lot of positive feedback from people about this post, "Network Marketing Success - How to Succeed in Network Marketing Fast"

I'm glad that many folks in the network marketing/MLM industry have enjoyed it.

It took me a long time to write, but at the end of the day it is totally worth it when people tell me just how much they've learned and can implement in their network marketing business for greater success.

If you can generate leads for your network marketing business, you've got it set. If you have any questions on how to use these skills in your network marketing business, it doesn't matter if you're new or if you have tonnes of experience, let me know and I'll be happy to help you succeed in your mlm Network Marketing business fast.

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