Don't blame; A short post on the power of you.

in #motivation7 years ago


Don't Blame

Don't blame the government, don't blame the economy. Don't blame your coworker, or your fellow student. Don't blame anyone for anything. You are the cause, and the solution. You are the one thing that can make a difference in this world. You are the one that can change the government and economy. Nothing is out of your grasp. Don't believe me? You already know the truth, and the facts that prove this truth. Rosa Parks helped spark a movement. John F Kennedy's speech got us to the moon. Jesus Christ sparked a movement and a following arguably greater than anyone else in history. (Religion aside)
The point here is only you can make the change you want in the world. Instead of being like "everyone else" or "the majority" who complain about the government or economy (we all have complained once or twice in our life, I'm guilty as well) why not take action? Why not fix it if it bothers you that much? You totally 100% can. In fact, we made the government and economy. We made religion. We, the people. So instead of getting upset about the president, economy, etc. fix it. Do something about it. Life is a lot more freeing when you take 100% responsibility for your actions, shortbrinings, and triumphs. You have the power to ignite a fire in this world, and nothing can stop you. Not war, not fear, and not the economy, government, or any other excuse you may ponder up of why you can't pursue your dream. You can. And you will.

Now go get it, go chase that dream. Go fix the problems in the world, because only you can. Not they, but you.

Take action, and live boldly.


Don't blame, and don't criticize either (especially your mate).

Ha, this is what my husband ALWAYS says to me! Never complain, never explain, and don't blame others, blame yourself. :)

If not now, when? If not me, then who? It's a true saying. Also true: No one's going to do it for you.

This means, if you want something done, do it yourself. People may help, but you have to take the initiative. The power is all yours. We each have this power, and it is a superpower. So is the power of choice. Use them, and you can be unstoppable in attaining your desires.