Discover Your Purpose

in #motivation7 years ago


When talent, prestige, popularity, glamour, personality or anything other than blameless character become criteria for success and leadership in life, an environment where falsehood rules ensures. Sooner or later the whole facade will crumble. Are you a person of good character? Do you keep good relationships?

We live in a world of battle. Every one of us live in the zone of conflict. Life will not give you what you desire in a platter of gold. It is part of living to fight for your right. Many people wait until bad things happen then they pray in frenzy. No, when you live with a warrior mentality then you will not become an easy prey.


Everything as a purpose. There is a purpose for your life. The greatness of anything lies in its purpose. Do you know your purpose? Whatever we do in life when the purpose is not clearly defined, failure ensues. When you find your purpose, you will find the success you've been looking for.

Discipline is the root of all good qualities

We're all made uniquely and one of the most neglected areas in many people's life is their talent. You need to do everything possible to discover your talent and make it work for you.
The more interest and attention you give to it, the greater the value becomes.


Great people are ordinary people with great and interesting habits. Many people have been disqualified from their glorious destiny because they refuse to check their bad habits.
There are some things you must do repeatedly and constantly in order for you to become great and successful in life. For instance, eating good food makes your body strong and healthy. Good habits are the secrets of great success in life.

All images are from pixabay


good thoughts good photos need work hard for success in life

That's the truth. Thanks for stopping by.

This is a beautiful message encouraging people to take care of themselves, present and future; a message that I hope to help you spread among our global community. When we stop allowing outside or unseen "powers" to be the drivers of our lives, we acknowledge that all progress must begin from internal motivation for it to be realized. I hope to continue to see such messages in a human society that is so clearly hurting.