in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Steemit can be a really confusing place and its hard to keep up with the trends. As a blogger, finding a particular topic or area to post about can be difficult, most especially on steemit where some areas/topics are seemingly given more attention than others. Fret not my steemit brethren, steemit is a home for all so no matter what you have to offer it shall be welcomed with open arms, but just in case you're having problems figuring out what you can post about or what you're good at in general, say no more cause right here is a guide to finding out just what you're good at/what you can post about.


"A niche can be defined as a job or position that is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like"



This is as good a way to start as any, we all have personal interests which we love to discuss about or do, so making a list like this would definitely put you on the right track. While doing this, ask yourself questions like;

What do I like doing during my free time?

What do I enjoy doing this most?

What do you look forward to doing when you aren't doing it?

What skill or hobby is naturally easy for you?

Doing this can be tricky, because you might only be interested in one aspect of a particular skill/hobby, but at the very least it'll set you on the right track.


    The next step is to determine which of these interests can fill a gap or solve a problem on Steemit. Lets use the Steemexchanger initiative for example, there was no direct SBD to FIAT exchange on Steemit for Naira, but that gap was filled and the problem was solved.
    "Everybody has something to offer" is a popular saying on Steemit, so whatever you bring to the table should at the very least fill a gap on Steemit, whether its through your stories, motivational, poems, crypto-talk etc.


    There's no point trying to figure out your niche if you don't know who to display your skills or talent in front of. Take time to understand the parties interested in what you decide to do on Steemit and create a plan that ensures that you get enough exposure. As the saying goes, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer", the same applies to finding your niche.
    People who are already posting things that are similar to what you want to bring to the table is an inevitability so understanding how they work and determining why their posts are appreciated/voted is essential in carving out a niche for yourself.

Review their posts and get a feel of how well received and appreciated their posts are, learn from their mistakes, build upon their successes and create a brand for yourself, a Steemit brand. Also, make sure you interact with your audience as much as or more than the folks that are already earning from theirs.

Authored by @Francistagbo

STACH is a physical Accelerator Hub dedicated to decentralizing the offline by breaking the barriers to accessing the internet like light, internet and conducive working space.

Steem Accelerator Hub... decentralizing the offline!
STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.Stc.JPG


A niche gives you identity especially with steemit experiencing crazy burst of posting.

Without niche, you will just another nobody blogger. Your followers stick to your blog because they follow you because of your contents and they know what to expect from you.

It is also good to spice things up and do something different once in a while

"Your niche gives you identity" I like that line @goldeejay, it quite accurate. To a large extent, your niche is what determines the number and type of followers that you have. Thanks for reading.

I found my niche a couple months into steem after going out and exploring the city i live in (I'm from USA but I live in South Korea). After learning about a lot Korean history I decided to focus my content exclusively on Korean history, rather than just being the guy who posts random things in Korean and English.

@normalbro I'm glad you found yours bro, hopefully other people that read this will be able to find theirs as well.

Yes, you are right, and I really agree with you. Steemit is home to all. So please take his seat

Thank you for reading @munawar87 steemit is truly home to all.

U'r welcom my brother. Steemit is a house not only for shelter, but also for residence. All have their own rooms and certainly fit everything. Success with Steemit.

These are great tips! I joined recently and still trying to find my niche on Steemit :) I totally agree with ‘Everybody has something to offer’ saying!

@julimattos I hope these tips help you find it, I'm sure you've got something pretty awesome to offer steemit.

What a Great piece.. At times I keep wondering if this tactical plans works throughout the whole globe @stach

They do @stacey31, give it a try and see.

Thanks for sharing @francistagbo

Although people might argue that maybe being uptight about niches arent necessary, I think it is. (Although 'uptight' would be an extreme way to put it).

As with everything in life, what you focus on expands, and Niches, amongst other tenets for success on here is important. sure, one could swing a bit here and there, but being known for something counts. You could become the go-to guy.

You're totally right @pangoli, truth is we're all going to have a particular thing or topic that we'll write about the most, we may explore other things a bit every now and then, but primarily, we'll probably be most comfortable and known for posting about one or two things, and its in those things that we find our niche.

thank you for this piece, I totally agree with you, it's time for me to do some analysis and get myself busy and relevant. Hian

Get right to it @tuppence, i'd love to get some feedback from you when you find it.

When I click on the hastag stach and out some posts that use the tag, what is a tag that I can use by others, or just certain people only?

If I may, I would like to know about stach.

Mehn this is good stuff. Steemit is a vast Place you cannot be every where at the same time. Hence a need to find your niche. I have settled for crypto writing n poetry. Thanks for sharing

@willywealth thats awesome bro, most people havent found their niche so its always nice to know when someone has found theirs. Thanks for reading bro.

This piece strikes exactly where its needed. It is good for everyone to be known for one thing. If you can't be good at many things, be excellent at one.

Well done.