3 Real Life Superpowers to Learn

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

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With the passing of the late great Stan Lee, life came crashing down to a thought for me. Did Stan Lee leave a blueprint of a better tomorrow? Let me explain. With all the comics and characters he created, his later project included a show that sought those around the world with the real-life powers he wrote about. Mr. Lee showed us that there are some amazing abilities and powers in real life and yet most of the world wants to be professional sports players. Hey, not to judge because I love sports too but these are facts. He showed us that our modern world is controlled by the love for and thought of money and how there's really no real power present.

Our modern world has been turned over to the systems that control us and most notably the "how" is through our smartphones. The last decade was about how many hours an individual wasted watching television per day and now they've managed to evolve the control into a bigger monster. Now the television programs are handheld and portable. No one even realized in the last few decades that they've been telling us it's a programming and that's why they call it television program.

Once people awaken to the truth and they'll realize everything is wrong with everything around them. The first phase of disbelief is doubt in this form of crash course because it's their awakening. It's like when you awake from a slumber and instantly become conscious of your surroundings again. They'll first defend the systems that enslave them and then anxiety will kick in. Then the real question arises. What do I do?

You are the Power

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The world has found a way to suppress your true powers. Everyone's journeys are different with each incarnation on the Earth grid where the battle between good and evil exists. It's up to the individual to want to find the meaning of their lifetimes but unfortunately, in our modern society, you are currently judged by monetary figures. This can sometimes detour individuals to make the wrong decisions in their spiritual evolution. Which leads us to the question, "who's doing the suppressing?"

In your journey to find the answer, here are 3 real life super powers you can learn to fight the forces that wish to control us all. Knowing how to control your surroundings and people around you will ultimately lead you to the next stage of your spiritual evolution.

Body Language is the Base

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The first superpower is one I use on a daily basis and helps me control most interactions with people. This first superpower is body language. If you're new to this subject, just know that the impact of a message is 55% non-verbal, 38% vocal (tone and sounds), and only 7% vocal with words. In essence, spoken language is only 7% of our communications with one another. Imagine that.

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The best book that I've studied on this subject is "The Definitive Book of Body Language" by Allan & Barbara Pease. I've had numerous copies over the years because I always give my copy to loved ones on my team. With each chapter finished, you can walk out of your home and use this superpower in real time. I would suggest taking the time to master it and you realize instantly that the world around you isn't what you thought it was. You get a different awakening when you realized what people are really saying to you through their body language.

Before we move on to the next superpower, let me give both sides some body language gold. The tip for men is a women's peripheral is perfect so yes, she's sized you up literally since you first met, LOL. The tip for women is a confident man will rarely if ever cross his arms (unless cold), put his hands in his pockets for no reason (unless cold), and grab his own arm behind his back (unless stretching). Mastering body language means mastering your surroundings and that is a superpower in itself.

Above the Law of Attraction

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This is one of those subjects that science can't explain because science is the study of the Earth realm and everything in it. The law of attraction is the connection to something beyond this realm that helps our thoughts & desires manifests in this realm. Simply put, thoughts become things. It's believed that our thoughts are sent as a frequency to our higher sources and if done correctly, can help you manifest anything you desire on the Earth grid. Anything.

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One of the best books for beginners in the law of attraction is "The Secret" by Ronda Byrne. It's a great introduction to the law of attraction and introduces us to countless masters on the subject for us to do our follow through research. One of the first masters I sought after reading "The Secret" was Jack Canfield and his book "The Success Principles." This is a superpower that can even be called real magic and is a skill to be mastered. We aren't taught this skill in schools because the powers that be can't remain in power if a majority of people could live in abundance from their own manifestations.

The Art of Persuasion

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Hypnosis would be the master form of this superpower but the ability itself is much different than the art of persuasion. The art of persuasion isn't a skill of deceit but rather influencing the targeted person or people to want to do something. After all, you can force someone to do just about anything at gunpoint or by fear. The problem with this is, as soon as their back is turned, game over. On the more positive hand, when a person wants to do something, there's a chance the person will defend that decision with their life if need be. This is where the art of persuasion comes in.

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The best beginner's book on the art of persuasion is "How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. This is a classic book written in 1936 and has lasted through the ages because it outlines the characteristics and traits of people. Instinctively, these 2 subjects will never change as long as we're human. Impressively, Dale Carnegie has managed to outline how to influence people's decisions and get them to like you in the process. Mastering this skill means understanding the people in your surroundings. This superpower has little to do with you but more of the players on the field with you in the game of life.

The Choice is Yours

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We'll eventually get to advanced superpowers in the next superpower post and I hope this helps get some of the stagnant out of stagnation. If you've never heard or cared about any of these superpowers then you may have to come to the conclusion that you're not maximizing your time on the Earth grid. These are superpowers that can be used for greatness or for devastation and it's up to you choose which side you're on. In everyone's individual journey of life, remember that the world we've been taught, banks and governments aren't what we think they are. It's up to all of us to help to maximize our time together on the Earth grid to find a purpose of living and become a positive asset to humanity's future generations.


Thanks for this great article. One thing we can never overdose on is motivation!

Super happy you enjoyed the post and hope you have an excellent weekend!

Wouldn't it be better off to invest in Spiritual Principles before Spiritual Powers??

I mean without A Steady Base you wouldn't be able to Leverage Your Powers. Right??

So I before I leave I have one Question for YOU My Friend @stewsak. Are you hungry for the spiritual process?? Just Curious.

I believe that spiritual principles are better off taught personally through one on one interaction in one's journey called life. On the Earth grid where there's a battle or game between good and evil, I don't feel it necessary or even possible to help further one's progress on spiritual principles with online posts. I do believe, however, it possible in discussing with people about the necessary skills to advance themselves on the Earth grid. My first spiritual mentor, the late great Luang Phor Koon used to teach me that being a great leader in spirituality and teaching others about spiritual principles, they themselves must have access to the spirit realms. I wish you the best in your journey and may the ye kind universe always be in your favor.

Good Day Bro. I'm just trying to create A Buzz so that 80% Content on the Internet is based on SPIRITUALITY.


Because more than half the Population is on the Internet so is it NOT better that we are Receptive to The Highest Possibilities that LIFE has to OFFER.

Hi, I like your three recommendations. especially the body language.

Glad you enjoyed the post... I agree, body language is super useful even life-changing once mastered. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.

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