in #motivation7 years ago

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We hear too many talks and read articles or books today about living healthy lives, eating right, exercising and so on. But no one talks much about our mental health.
The mind is a very powerful tool God gave humanity. One which was supposed to help us live independent and comfortable lives. But many have passed through life without even scratching the surface of this profound tool placed in us.
Developing mental capacity and discipline is very crucial to attaining greatness in life.
Mental indiscipline is destroying people. Many have become enslaved to their ravagimg thoughts, always spiraling out of control not knowing that Mind control is Life control. You don't just let your mind drift to wherever it wants, learn to control it and after a while control becomes habit.
Take for instance a processing machine. If you do not put anything into it, nothing will be processed. That is how the mind works. The input is knowledge and the output is Wisdom. Wisdom is applied knowledge and you cannot give what you don't have. So it makes common sense to place more value on knowledge than on money. Mental capital is higher than financial capital because it can always be converted.
Your mind is like a house, you create room for what you want whether good or bad. Starting today, decide to develop your mind because in it lies your ability to succeed. Your mind is indeed your goldmine, start digging!


Mastering emotions and the mind, though not an easy thing, is 🔑🔑🔑 to living a successful life.

Thank you for sharing.

The bible says as a man thinks in his heart sonis he. Whatever a man believes that he will receive either good or bad.

It all begins from the mind. No wonder joyce meyer wrote the book titled " the battelfield od the mind"

Whatever you conquer in your mind you conquer outside it too.

Great words. I would say our mind is our gold mine because it has the capacity to birth great ideas if developed!

You're right dear