Actions speak...

in #motivational7 years ago

Many times we find ourselves in really twisted misundertandings with friends and aquintances, we complain that they sometimes do the opposite of what we tell them to do. But before we start casting stones and assuming everyone and everything around us is stubborn, let's look inwards for a minute. It could be possible we have been sending conflicting messages all along. Saying two different things at the same time, leaving people confused as to which instruction to follow. For example, you tell a friend you have no intention of dating them, but you get mad when they stop giving you as much attention as they used to. You leave them feeling you probably didn't mean what you said, and that you might just be testing their resolve. Yet another example, when you say you don't want to have sex with a person, but you are always paying the person visits alone, at odd hours, sometimes even suggest a sleepover or accept such a proposal from this person. You saying one thing with your words, but your actions convey an entirely different message. Most times the message people choose to take whenever there is such a conflict, is that conveyed by our actions, and don't blame them, it is said actions speak louder than words.
So when next you saying something, be sure to back it up by your actions. Love y'all.

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