While you are working on your Goals, God is working on You...


Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.-Philippians 3:12

Hello my beloved Steemians! Today I will inspire you more about the Word of God.

As a student, I have a lot of dreams in life. I want to help my parents on providing our needs, give them more comfortable life and to have a brightest future. That's why I'm striving so much, just to finish my study and have a stable job. I believe this is also the common goal of every students. But I'm thinking that, "Can I make it through?" and God answered me through this verse, Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. When I read this, He want me to be inspired by the life of Paul that no matter how hard or happy life is, I should keep on moving with faith.

Anyway, why need to have a goal?

I need to set goals because they give me hope to keep moving on. Even in you, I know that you nee to have that goal so that you will me motivated to do what you need to do. And that goal is not only just those big things. Small goals are still important in our lives. For instance, if you have a surgery, your first goal in your recovery is could be to sit in the bed. Then you can work toward standing up and walking down in the hallway.

"Goal doesn't have to be big to be important, it just has to encourage you to carry on."
By Rick Warren

Thank you for reading and God bless!!!