in #motivaton6 years ago

Hey Guys! This is my latest version of leadership principle, it mind blowing and very motivating, I believe you benefit so much why reading


Enjoy reading

~ Vision begins with one person but it is only accomplished by many people.
~ Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit
~ The greatest enemy of good thinking is busyness.
~ A minute of thinking is often more valuable than an hour of talk or unplanned work.
~ Success is have those closest to you love and respect you the most.
~ If you can lead yourself others will follow, respect and partner with you.
~ Leaders can give up many things, they can delegate many things but one thing that the top leader can never let go of is final responsibility.
~ When you help someone bigger than you, it makes you part of something bigger.
~ If you want to get ahead, leading up is much better than kissing up - (Dan Reiland).
~ Leaders learn resiliency and tenancity during tough assignments, not easy ones.
~ When tough choice have to be made and results are difficult to achieve, leaders are forged.
~ A true leader can't put his or her organization on the line if he is going to take risk but he put his or herself on the line either.
~ The key to leading yourself well is to learn self management.
~ Most people evaluate event in their live according to how they will be personally affected but leaders think within a broader context.
~ Until you value yourself, you won't value your time -(M.Scott Pect).
~ Good leaders know when to display emotions and when to delay them.
~ Leaders strive for the top of their game not the top of the organization.
~ People won't go along with you if they can't get along with you.
~ Insecure think everythings is about them and as a result, every action, every piece of information, every decision is put through their filter of self centeredness.
~ One of the best ways to save time is to think and plan ahead, five minute of thinking can often save an hour of work.
~ No matter what our circumstances, our greatest limitation isn't the leader above us but it is the spirit within us.
~ Successful leaders make the right move at the right moment with the right motive; know when to push and when to back off.


~ The person who keeps busy helping the one who is below him won't have time to envy the person above him -(Henrietta Mears).
~ Sometimes its not how hard you row the boat, its how fast the stream is going -(Warren Buffet).
~ The key to personal development is being more growth oriented than goal oriented.
~ While poor leaders demand respect, competent leaders command respect.
~ People always move toward someone who increase them and away from anyone who decrease them.
~ Few things Increase the credibility of leaders more than adding value to the people around them.
~ Great leaders don't use people so that they can win, they lead people so that they all can win together.
~ Good leaders rarely think in terms of boundaries; instead they think in terms of opportunities.
~ Ninety nine percent of all leadership occurs not from the top but from the middle of an organization.

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Thank you and stay bless.