
Thanks , I'll check into the EVO class. I have read and been told that my 6th gear will keep me running among the bigger bikes with only 5 :-) ...I cant wait to find out.

good to see the old girl still in one piece and loved mate :) too many people just dump bikes after a few years!

Oh, she's my baby. I take good care of her. Just got new side plastic, clutch plates, cables. She kicks my ass sometimes, but I love her.... oh, kickstart only. No magic button for me!

Haha yeah i have lazymode on my Katie M :)
old fart like me needs it mid race if i come off haha..

post me up a pic mate would love to see.

I'm not sure how to post a pic in messages, but heres a link to a pic on the day I bought it. el/@gypsydanger I'm an old fart too...hahaha

nice one man shes a beaut! :)

here she is for everyone reading :)


Wow! Thanks, and thanks for posting the pic as well. Thats awesome!