Long Time No Steemit!

in #motorcycle7 years ago

Hey Steemit I would first like to apologize for the lack of posts in the past couple months. Life is coming at me faster than expected. So just to give you an overview of what’s been going on.
I starting a roofing job to pay for my summer classes which took up most of my time. Being that roofing is a labor intensive job I was exhausted almost every day and was too tired to move my fingers to muster up a single post. Now that the summer is over and the fall semester has come around I quit my roofing job to focus strictly on my classes. I’m taking about 9 credit hours and of those hours one of my classes is senior project. The final computer science course taken to get my bachelors degree. This class is going to test me on everything I have learned up till now and is one of the hardest course I’ve ever taken! This class demands a least 30 hours a week to working on the project and is going to prepare me for the industry after I graduate. In terms of the project it’s something of interest to me. What my team and I will be developing over the next couple of months is a HUD (Heads Up Display) for cars using a Raspberry Pi. This should be a fun project and I hope to post stuff about it as I go. I have also been doing some work on the bike as well and took plenty of pictures. I’d like to share these too once I have written them up in the form of instructions. I think it will be very helpful for those who ride and work on bikes. I’ve still been riding as much as I can before it get too cold out but my motto with Michigan weather is that as long as it’s not raining or snowing I’ll be riding! Haha.

So thats about it! From the summer till now thats about what’s been happening in my life. I hope to have more post to come. I also want to thank all the new followers who followed me even though I hadn’t posted anything in like 3 or 4 months and I want to give a huge

Thank You!!

To those who stood with me through the silence.

Also it wouldn’t be a complete post without at least one picture! Here is one where I was changing the tires on Electra. Ps. She loves her new shoes! :)

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As always ride safe fellow riders! ✌️


I am very interested in learning about bikes so please share more posts about bikes!

Thank you!! more bike posts coming soon!!