C’mon, follow me up where the devil don’t go. It'll be fun!

in #mountains7 years ago


Come on, what are you waiting for?

Let's go up where the devil don't go.

Trust me, it's totally safe up here. You got nothing to worry about way up here with me — up here where the devil ain't!


Dyer Mountain. We're on Dyer Mountain.

Or, more accurately, we're somewhere on Dyer's southwest slopes, on our way to the summit.

Pretty much nobody ever takes this route up Dyer.

Partly because it's technically not really a route … but mostly because it's an almighty godforsaken scramble the likes of which not even the devil himself would attempt.

But hey, the view's nice, right?


Sure, it's a bit steep.

And the scree here is so loose that you slide down a foot for every two you climb.


But that's all part of the fun I promised you!

You are having fun, right?

Great! Because we're almost to the top!


See, I told you! Here we are on the ridgeline already, heading straight for the summit.

Yep, that's Dyer right ahead of us. And you see that peak over there on the right? That's Gemini.

Don't worry, the devil don't go there, neither. I know because I've scouted all through these parts. I've been out here all four seasons of the year, and the devil ain't never been on Gemini — I can certainly assure you of that.


Boom! Summit shot! WOOOOOOO!!!

Down there to the left you can see the ridge that connects Dyer to Gemini. That's actually the boundary between Park and Lake counties.

And all the way over to the right from Gemini you can see Sherman.

What you don't see is the devil, of course. Just like I told you!

He just doesn't come up here at all, ever.


Might as well take another summit shot while we're up here, right?

This time we're looking toward Leadville and all the way across the Arkansas River Valley. That's the Sawatch Range off in the distance.

Pretty cool, huh?

Well, it's freezing up here. Probably best to head down now.


Heading down into the Iowa Amphitheater.

This technically isn't a route, either. I just really like traveling off the beaten path.

You can see the Dyer-Gemini ridgeline again from here. And I think that's some kind of powerline structure thingy way over there.

Now swing a bit to the right, head down a bit more …


… and there it is!

You see that old shack down there? Yeah, right down there below us. You see it? That's where the devil lives.

It's cozy inside. Pretty classy, too. He just remodeled the master bath, and let me tell you, it is niiiiiice. Jacuzzi tub and everything!

Alright, well, time to get this over with. C'mon now, let's not keep the devil waiting.

What? No, I said follow me UP where the devil don't go. Down is where the devil fucking LIVES, man. I never said anything about not bumping into the devil on the way down.

Up. Down. Do you see the difference?

And do you have any idea how much the devil pays when I bring them alive? No, I guess you probably don't.

It's like, ten times what he pays for the corpses! I've been making bank for the past few weeks on idiots like you.

What? Dude, c'mon. Are you seriously not hearing the words coming out of my mouth right now?

You are the human sacrifice today.

Now let's get the hell down there and get you good and killed before the devil gets pissy with me, okay?


LOL, you sure walked right into that one.

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Hello from the high Rockies of Colorado. My name is Brandt, pleased to meet you. I’m a marketing copywriter. I live in a little ghost town called Leadville. If you like mountains, snow, jokes, running, hiking, breathing, not working, etc., then you and I have a lot in common. Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day!

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Here is my referral link, which helps me out. Here is a regular link, which just does regular linky stuff.

Either way, baby, you’re perfect just the way you are. 😉


Hey! Thanks for taking me on this mountain trip. I got high and I'm happy those rocks didn't fall because I didn't feel like getting stoned today.

I thought that was John's place? Oh well. Now I know better.

10/10 for entertainment value. Good job! Nice photos too, damn.

LOL, not a fan of getting double-stoned are you? Actually, me neither. It does not sound fun.

You know John? Cool. Yeah, John sold his shack to the devil awhile back. I heard John is wealthy and famous now, but you know, when he dies he's gonna have to shack up with the devil.

Thanks for the nice comment!

That was fantastic man, haha- what a combination, I am definitely watching your blog. So well done I'm about to thank you for sacrificing me to the devil ;)

I'm glad you liked it! I'll let my blog know that you'll be watching so it doesn't get worried when it sees you prowling around outside. It's a skittish and suspicious one, my blog is.

You don't need to thank me for anything. Any chance you know some other people who might want to go up where the devil don't go with me?

Actually, I'm trying to decide if this is a good time to resteem it or if I should wait until a more optimal time tomorrow. But I will definitely be recommending you to some friends-- when they wake lol.


P.S. It was a friend of mine who recommended it, but he only likes the spotlight when he's in character, he prefers to not flaunt his good deeds...shh, don't tell him if you figure it out lol ;)

Why thank you! I hope your friends are the type who like following strangers up mountains. I have a monthly quota and if I don't meet it I'll have to give back my ability to respawn.

Dude, you are so fortunate that I found (actually see the edit on my last comment lol) you because it just so happens all of my friends are crazy bastards who like following strange people up mountains--(the most awesome fucking bunch on steemit woot ;)
And now I know why people mistake me for a guy all the time

Perfect! The devil will be so pleased with me.

I have seen your edit, and I have made my guesses, which I will keep to myself. But do pass along my sincere thanks, if you don't mind, and inform him that I'm very pleased to offer him one free Get Out Of The Devil's Shack FREE card.

Such a delight.
Thanks for the tips on devil free zones. Could come in handy.

Thank you!

Just remember, if the devil's ever after you, go UP!

T shirt worthy slogan if there ever was one.

Maybe I should be in the T-shirt slogan business. Is that a thing? I bet I could make a killing. Man, I really need to start making a killing soon.

Also, I'll let you in on some trivia: My blog title was inspired by Elle King's song Where The Devil Don't Go, so I'd probably have to give Elle some credit if I turned that other line into a T-shirt slogan

Ha, this was excellent. You got me all convent till the end!

Thanks @meesterboom! And sorry about that whole betraying you to the devil thing, I swear it won't happen again.

Yeah yeah, till the next mountain!!!

That winter photos are awesome. Look like a winter poem.

Lol, the title got me. Thanks for sharing the post.

Haha! Fun story! And nice photos.

LOL, you sure walked right into that one.

Haha =]

Very well put, I admire your efforts and results are great as well

Great works and article!