Terminator 2 Soundtrack and Review

in #movie2 years ago (edited)

James Cameron takes over the reins of the sequel to the Terminator , in 1991, seven years after the commercial and critical success of the first film of the franchise. The saga Terminator is placed by all the colours. Sometimes bullied and ridiculed, it has as its highest point this episode 2. For the benefit of its reputation, it would have done better to stop in this instalment, which now have a status as a cult film, but we'll get to that.

James Cameron already had a little experience in relation to the suites franchise, because he made the second part of the saga Alien in 1985.

If it is almost unanimously considered to be inferior to his elder, although very entertaining, and in the continuity of the first, it is the opposite for the second film, the Terminator, is much higher than the first. It has a soul and a depth that we only suspect not in the Terminator if one is not familiar with the franchise. For some, I do not party but I understand this feeling, this film is the pinnacle of my career as Cameron, yet busy-level success.

In fact, in this film are discussed the consequences of artificial intelligence, the struggle against his fate, and the important place of women (in each of his films for that matter). But what are the practical reasons that allow this film to fly over the other films of the franchise?

If there's one thing we can't blame Cameron, this is his way of coping with the suspense and entertainment, in the proper sense of the term. This would also be the case of a director like Michael Bay in regard to entertainment, except that the latter has no finesse and doesn't really have talent-level achievement. James Cameron is able to offer entertainment of very high quality.

Its scenarios are in large part the cause of it. As much as they may have a process that was fairly standard, they are wonderfully tied up for the benefit of the suspense and the action. The beginning of Terminator 2 demonstrates this. During the first thirty minutes of the film, one has the feeling that the enemy is the terminator played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In reality, it is just the opposite. The tension is never released during 2h15.

It is always on our guard, and this is due to the fact that we follow regularly, in the film the footsteps of the T-1000, which is extremely threatening. Moreover, confusion is regularly ridge in the scenarios, in my humble opinion. Because they need to be for the benefit of the development of the characters and the flow of the story, they do not have to be complicated to be good.

If that were the case, movies such as Star Wars or Rocky would be almost turnips, both these films have typical scenarios. Finally, in relation to the content, the special effects are exceptional for the times and still are today. Another strength of Cameron is able to take many years to achieve what he wants if he had not before the technological means to do it before. The T-1000 is stunning realism, for example.

Terminator 2 – The last judgement is not just a film of SF, it is also a thriller, with a darkness that is rarely seen in blockbuster movies of this calibre. Today, we're not talking about that film sanitized, where the violence is certainly present, but watered down. In the scene of the kitchen, where the T-1000 kills the adoptive father, with his long knife, I was particularly marked as a youngster.

This darkness is not only a question of violence. The film is very dark, and the photography of the film is heavily influenced by this. A large part of the film takes place at night, including major scenes (the rescue of Sarah Connor, the end of the film). Another cult scene is one of the dreams of Sarah Connor. We have rarely seen a scene like this at the cinema in a film with a big budget. It is cold in the back, to the point that when I was younger, I had to skip this scene, I was struggling to see it.

The darkness is accompanied by a sense of humour that finally, we soothe not that much. But this does not change the fact that he's been working and successful. When Jon learns that the terminator must obey it, this is an excellent time, as the difference between the kid and the T-800 is huge. This shift in behaviour between the two is also a very effective way to make people laugh or smile. Here is a sequence of well-known and of which I delight each time :

Affirmative - no, No, it will be necessary that you learn already talking about. We don't say affirmative or bullshit of this genre. We said " no our ", if someone is coming toward you, rolling mechanical, you said to him "going to shit" or if you want to put him in full view of " Hasta la vista, Baby ". - No our. - Should you have the air more human, for example when a guy you go to le you said to him " are Going to make your cum bag with shit ! "repeated. - 'll make you cum bag with shit ! - Or when you don't want to upset you said to him " Remains cool man ! ". You can also make combinations ... - Stays cool bag with shit !
The behaviour of more and more human is very well-led and are particularly well-made. One feels affection for a machine.

In the films of Cameron, there are not only effective for the benefit of the entertainment that accompanies each time his film. It sets the scene for strong women and simplicity. The character Sarah Connor is probably one of the female characters in the most badass of the film, Hollywood and the world understood. His way of escaping from his cell is both awesome and extremely enjoyable. What I really like in films of Cameron and especially in this one is that it is not women strong, repeating every five seconds as they are. No, it is displayed and then it is. It is natural. It is also for this that his female characters are extremely well done, and Sarah Connor is a perfect example.

In addition to the technical elements and story that make this part an excellent film, it should not be forgotten that it provides a reflection on both the human and the machine. On the human first. This quote from the T-800 is a terrifying truth :

It is in your nature, you destroy yourself
Cameron regularly criticism on human behaviour and on the governments of the us. It is very screaming in Avatar when he is critical of the ecological disasters caused by Man, or the war in Iraq, but in this movie too it is visible. A tendency to make our world more and more dependent on machines and technology is an issue that is raised in this film, through the artificial intelligence that would cause the loss of humankind. Finally, like in many of the films before and after him, this movie tries to deal with the reflection of the machines.

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A machine can be humanized? Its behaviour can they make of it a being with feelings, and in this case, he could one day have rights equal to humans? Well, this question is not asked in reality, and I extrapolate, but these are questions I want to ask me after such a film. What is certain, is that this film makes both critics strong enough on the Man, but it is also and above all its great qualities, and it is at the bottom not so pessimistic as that.

Terminator 2 - The last Judgement is much more than entertainment. It is much more than a simple action film black. It is much more than a film of SF. It is everything all at once and nothing at the same time because it is so special that it is hard to put it in a box. Well, I'm not saying that this is a film either, but it has a different profile when compared to the blockbusters of the last thirty years. If I had to make a few reservations, this would be good in relation to its end, I find it a little too long, and on the management of his breaks, sometimes a little flat. But what is it that I take my foot every time I see it, and I'm tired?

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This is all the more unfortunate that the saga has not ended it. I appreciate Terminator Renaissance, which is ultimately the design of the war, both announced during the first two episodes. But for the good health of this saga and in order to honour these first two parts, it would have been better to finish in beauty.

Terminator 2 Soundtrack

  • 1. Future Battlefield (2:44)
  • 2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day – Main Title (1:57) 3. Terminator Arrival (0:37)
  • 4. Guitars, Cadillacs (3:03)
  • 5. Bad to the Bone (4:50)
  • 6. T-1000 Arrival (1:32)
  • 7. You Could Be Mine (5:43)
  • 8. Sarah’s Meds / T-1000 at the Door (1:56)
  • 9. Silberman’s Review (1:04)
  • 10. Cyberdyne Secrets / John Spotted (0:53)
  • 11. Converging on the Arcade (1:51)
  • 12. Galleria Escape / Canal Chase (6:29)
  • 13. Emerging from the Flames (0:36)
  • 14. Time Out (1:15)
  • 15. Foster Parents / Wanted Man (2:31)
  • 16. Roadside Confab (2:27)
  • 17. T-1000 at Pescadero (2:14)
  • 18. Twin Security Guards (2:03)
  • 19. Sarah Escapes / T-1000 Reverts (1:30)
  • 20. Silberman Taken Hostage (0:45)
  • 21. Sarah on the Run (3:24)
  • 22. Hospital Escape (4:35)
  • 23. Desert Suite (3:26)
  • 24. Sarah’s Dream (1:49)
  • 25. No Fate (3:39)
  • 26. Attack on Dyson (4:08)
  • 27. Endoskeleton Reveal (1:12)
  • 28. Our Gang Goes to Cyberdyne (3:11)
  • 29. All of Dyson’s Work (1:00)
  • 30. The Police Converge (1:54)
  • 31. Trust Me (1:39)
  • 32. In the Vault (0:42)
  • 33. Swat Team Attack (3:23)
  • 34. I’ll Be Back (3:59)
  • 35. Helicopter Chase (2:28)
  • 36. Tanker Chase (3:46)
  • 37. Hasta La Vista, Baby (3:02)
  • 38. Into the Steel Mill (1:27)
  • 39. Terminator Disarmed (0:45)
  • 40. Cameron’s Inferno (2:38)
  • 41. Terminator Fight (2:05)
  • 42. Reactivation (2:16)
  • 43. Termination (1:41)
  • 44. Goodbye, John (4:37)
  • 45. Unknown Future / End Title (2:18)
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