The Avengers

in #movie3 years ago


As a typical Hollywood business giant, "The Avengers", which is full of heroes and stars, is an unprecedented gathering of familiar superheroes such as Iron Man, Captain America, Raytheon, Hawkeye, Hulk and Black Widow. Obviously, there is no lack of all kinds of secrets and interesting things in shooting such a film. Before the film fully landed in the Mainland, please follow this article, walk into the front and back of the film, and learn about the secrets of the unknown tidbits, which can be counted as a preview without spoilers before watching movies.

Super League came into being

The Avengers is adapted from Marvel's cartoon of the same name created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The first Avengers cartoon was published in September 1963, when the lineup included Iron Man, Raytheon, Hulk, Ant Man and Wasp Girl.


After being rescued from Antarctic ice, Captain America joined in the fourth period. As one of Marvel's most invested comic adaptation films, the cost of The Avengers reached 220 million US dollars.

As the producer Kevin Figg said, "The Avengers" is more like a disaster film, in which the earth suffered an unprecedented devastating blow. S. H. I. E. L. D. was caught off guard by the sudden evil forces, and a single superhero couldn't cope with it, so they came forward and called "The Avengers" composed of many superheroes to fight side by side and defend the earth together.

It is understandable from the plot point of view, but the real reason is due to commercial considerations. Let its many superheroes gather, which not only increases the number of first-line heroes, but also wins more second-line heroes by the way. With the double all-star lineup of the characters and their respective actors in the film, it is difficult to earn enough eyeballs and money. In order to attract new and old fans into the cinema, most of the heroes in The Avengers are played by their original actors, with the exception of the Hulk. The original Edward Harrison Norton was replaced by Mark Alan Ruffalo, who performed well in The Children Are Fine.

A well-deserved captain of the United States


Captain America, who came to the present age after "crossing" 70 years, magically revived and joined The Avengers. But for Steve Rogers, he has a lot of new things to accept, and he has to adapt to the rapid changes in morality, values and science and technology in modern society as soon as possible. He has no relatives, no friends, can't understand buzzwords, and doesn't know what the Internet is. But he has rich combat experience and outstanding leadership talent, which makes the Avengers gradually become a cohesive and powerful team. Since then, Captain America has become the representative of Avengers and the soul of the team.

Director Jos Weiden once said that Captain America represented the audience's viewpoint to a certain extent, because he looked at the world with a novel eye like the audience. During the filming, "Captain America" Chris Evans also carried out this leadership spirit. He would borrow the famous declaration in the film, "Avengers, gather! (Avengers Assemble! ) ",send a text message to summon other actors to go out and relax for one high.

Iron man who never met.

Robert Downey Jr. described the relationship between Iron Man and Captain America: "He (Captain America) is like a brother who has been separated for many years, and my father likes him best." In last year's Captain America, Howard Stark, the father of Iron Man Tony Stark, met Captain America Steve Rogers for the first time at tomorrow's World Expo. Since then, Captain America's shield and uniform have been built by him.

Howard Stark, based on American tycoon howard hughes, became one of the founders of SHIELD since World War II. Interestingly, such an important person seems to value Captain America more than his own son. As a playboy who never leaves his body with beautiful women and wine, Iron Man doesn't hate his father's preference for his "brother". After arguing with the captain, he regards him as his best friend, and attacks according to the instructions of Captain America at the crucial moment, which shows that the charm of the captain is really unusual.


The hardworking Hulk

This time, Mark Alan Ruffalo became the first actor to play both Dr. Bruce Banner and Hulk. With the help of computer technology, he turned into a hulk, and the latest motion capture technology makes him see himself as a hulk in real time, feeling like wearing a virtual coat. It is said that Mark Alan Ruffalo went to the zoo to observe gorillas for a long time before, hoping to get inspiration from playing the Hulk. The Hulk played by Mark is almost like the reappearance of bill bixby's version, which follows his charm and humor.

However, when he arrived on the set, Mark felt guilty. Because the Hulk was more than two meters tall, Mark sometimes had to stand on the table to make the eyes of other actors match the situation in the film. He said that he felt like an outsider, and all the other actors wore cool clothes, killing and killing. Only he wore clumsy action capture clothes, which was always used as a joke by them, and the Hulk he played seemed not so gregarious. The hardest thing is, even if the cast has won the prize, he has to follow the Industrial Light and Magic Company until the end, so as to wait for the final result and see if there is any need to make up or adjust.

The voice of Hulk is also matched by Mark Alan Ruffalo himself. Mark joked about Hulk's line, "Every component in a sentence has its own, but it can't even be a sentence." Although Kevin Figg said recently that there will be no plans to shoot the new Hulk film in the future, perhaps the outstanding performance of Mark Alan Ruffalo will turn things around. If you suffer, you will suffer. Mark still said that if you have the chance, he would like to continue to play the Hulk.

Cold-blooded killer, who is the only one.

Although the alliance is formed, it is absolutely not ambiguous to fight alone. "Hawkeye" Jeremy Renner and "Black Widow" Scarlett Johansson are two powerful cold-blooded killer. In order to play the role of sniper archer eagle eye, Jeremy Renner specially accepted the special training of Olympic archers, and he learned how to use the basic posture of bow and arrow correctly. However, Reina also encountered a difficult problem, how to keep the action consistent when pulling the bow, because it is difficult to do this when pulling the bow quickly.

Scarlett Johansson is also very happy to continue to play the black widow in The Avengers. She said that she likes the role of black widow very much, and is glad that fans like her interpretation of black widow. Unlike other Hollywood commercial blockbusters, "The Avengers" has almost no love element. Therefore, although the audience will see a lot of black widows playing against the skilled eagle-eye, they will also learn some battle stories about their background, but they cannot see their love sparks. As Scarlett Johansson said, "The alliance is very busy and has no time to fall in love!"

Half-hidden mysterious villain

In the first cartoon of The Avengers, it was Raytheon's younger brother Loki who caused trouble, which made superheroes unite to defend against the enemy. This movie version also restored this setting. Tom Hiddles, the "Rocky" who came to Earth, is far more powerful than in the realm of God. Because the ambitious Loki made trouble on the earth, Thor, as his brother, obviously couldn't stand by and he returned to the earth at the beginning of the film. Although others in the league don't think so, Thor, who values family, firmly believes that his younger brother will eventually change his mind.


A single hero in the film can't kill Loki at all. Tom Hiddleston explained his role like this: "He is like a chess master, who has already led by more than ten steps and played with everyone in applause." Loki controls the whole situation by disintegrating The Avengers, and almost every hero has his own fight. The director said that as long as Loki is around, other villains are not villains. He is "a damaged soul, seeking self-meaning in the universe".

Tom Hiddleston, who was born in England, has never been exposed to American sports, but this changed during the filming of The Avengers. He not only watched a football preseason game of Cleveland Browns, but also participated in the game of Cleveland baseball Indian baseball team and served as kick-off guest. He also watched several American Open tennis tournaments on the sidelines.

In addition to rocky, his invincible and powerful army has also attracted the attention of fans and aroused widespread speculation. After denying the rumors of thanos, skrulls, red skull and other villains, director Jos waden finally revealed the true identity of the army, chitauri.In addition, the huge dragon shaped warship in the trailer is also eye-catching.

Compared with the frequently exposed superheroes, their opponents are really mysterious.


In the decades of Marvel's comic history, the Avengers' lineup has changed again and again, with new people joining in and the old people leaving. During this period, iron man and American captain also had civil wars.However, no matter how the team changes in form, its inner spirit is unchanged.When the world is shrouded in the clouds of crisis, they will join hands to embark on a new journey.Of course, there is the familiar slogan - "avenger, assemble!"