New on Netflix: The Knight Before Christmas

in #movies5 years ago

Well, i think you would only need to see the photo and the name of this film to understand what sort of quality you were dealing with and that is exactly what this production delivers.

This is not a great film and I suppose it could be a decent movie for people that expect the expected and can easily excuse the impossible when dealing with films.


Look at that picture and see if you can guess what this film is about.... ok, now in the event that you were hit on the head with a shovel as a child and somehow managed to get a job washing cars for a living I'll go ahead and tell you that the plotL

There is a guy gets jumped up in time for some reason (to this year) and lands right in the lap of a woman who is single and looking. He is not from this time and behaves exactly like a knight from the 13th century would (because that is where he is from) in that he is confused and doesn't understand technology. He manages to woo everyone including and especially his primary caretaker, Brooke. All the while he is extremely chivalrous and kind to everyone around him because... that's what knights do.


It's getting close to Christmas time and stuff like this was always going to happen. I'm not going to knock it totally because it does have some interesting elements to it, money not being one of them... or acting skills.

The 2 lead characters do a pretty decent job in what i consider to be extremely cringe roles but the rest of the cast well, they are drawn out of amateur acting ranks... especially the children. At times this production seems very The Room ish as far as the acting caliber is concerned and perhaps that is why I enjoyed it as much as I did. It has horrible production value and there is no way they spent even a mill making this thing. There is one scene where "Cole" is whisked away by "magic" and it is clearly a person with a fog machine just out of the scene. It's remarkably bad and I loved it!

That doesn't mean it can't be fun.


Sir Cole gets dropped in 2019 and ends up with a recently single school-teacher who looks after him and they have an awkward romance type thing going on and the community rallies behind him / her. That's the story. It might be entertaining to very young people (this is totally safe for all ages) and also to people like me that on occasion enjoy exactly what you expect to emerge from the Christmas season as one point or another.

From the official Netflix channel

I watched the entire thing and I laughed a lot but that was only because i am a cynic and the film wasn't supposed to be funny but it's lack of budget and extremely cheesy story make it funny anyway.

If you are a parent put this on and I would love to know what your children's response is. If you are an adult I would love to know how you feel at the end of this. The movie isn't terrible, it is just.... jeez, how to describe this.... so unbelievably corny that you can't help but enjoy it a bit.... and i think (or hope) that this was the point of the entire thing.

It's Christmas (sorta) and this is only one of what is bound to be an extremely long line of seasonal films that are headed our way. As dumb as it may sound I sincerely hope you watch this piece of crap, because it is bad enough that it actually ends up being pretty good.

My overall rating ? 11 / 4



Everyone loves a really bad Christmas movie??!!?? I know I do. Lol

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a really cheesy, predictable, and hallmarky christmas movie? yeah, i dig that... lol.

I am new on steemit platform I chak first time your posting sir

What happened? Did you fall down the stairs and bang your head lol. I walked in on my daughter watching this yesterday and watched about 15 minutes of it and nah I just can't . I still gave it 15 minutes though.

well i turned it on because of my old rule of watching anything Netflix recommends to me. I'm a creature of habit. Had it not been as awful as it was I probably wouldn't have finished it.

Lol. I have also done that before and asked myself afterwards what did I just watch. Sometimes you can't help it.

Ah man there are so many bad movies and songs that get forced into our faces this season. I put up with them because it gives everyone a change and makes for some happiness, family time and relaxation. Unless you are a corporate sales person whose fiscal year end is the same as the calendar. I will tell you that sucks.

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11/4 it is. Doubt I'll watch it though.

that's probably a good choice on your part :P

One to definitely miss I think. 😀

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Gonna be on my list this week!

Does it take place in a big city or a small town? I am going to go out on a limb and guess that it is a small town. It kind of sounds like a much lower budget version of Enchanted with the rolls reversed. I am glad you were able to take it for what it is and enjoy it. That is a great attitude to have . Especially around the holidays!