
I agree. How do you do that and what form will it be in? Printed or ebook or both?

Self publishing on Amazon cost the same amount for print and e-book, which is nothing. I keep telling ya man, it's soooo easy to self publish. When you're ready I'll help you publish your westerns.

thank you sir madgoat. I don't even know if I'll be here in a few months, all depends on the price of steem. But your stuff is much more original and unique than mine and therefore I think much more publishable. lol. I don't know if that's a word even.

You don't need anyone's permission to self publish. All you have to do is fill out a form with Amazon that is like ten questions asking if you are a human being and then you upload a microsoft word document that is your book. My writing is funny, but it is a niche market. Your writing is some of the most concise, polished, flawless prose I've ever seen. It reads like it's already been proofread by five editors. If you don't do something with your work I'm going to copy and paste all your blogs into a manuscript and publish it myself and hand deliver you the royalty checks.