Wonder Woman (2017) - REVIEW 📝✏️

in #movies8 years ago (edited)

DC Universe is going down for several years. But Wonder Woman rehabilitated DC in the fans eyes. Wonder Woman really became a wonder.

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I wasn't going to watch this movie but enthusiastic reviews changed my mind. So let's find out is it a worthwhile thing or not?
To be honest, I was expecting a pathetic film in the style of Superman or Batman, but I was pleasantly surprised. But first things first.

A small girl Diana lives on the island of Themyscira - the birthplace of the Amazons. Diana is a curious and willful girl and with pleasure watching the training of other women warriors. She wants to grow up faster and start fighting but her mother stops her. Her mother says that war isn't a funny thing and hopes that Diana will never have to taste the bitterness of war.

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I really liked that they paid much attention to Diana's childhood and her growing up. Here she is a young girl (Gal Gadot). In secret from her mother, she trains with her aunt Antiope (Robin Wright), the mighty warrior of the Amazons. Antiope coaches her harder than other women.

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Diana is no longer a militant girl. She looks hopefully at the world and is preparing to defeat Ares, the god of war, whenever he shows up. One day a man appears on their island. He runs away from the German Imperial Army chasing him. It is a British spy - Steve Trevor (Chris Pine).

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Diana figures out that the war had engulfed the world. She is going to help Steve in his mission. Diana thinks Ares started that war and she is going to kill him with the "Godkiller" sword.
Diana also has 1) Bracelets of Submission to protect her against bullets. When the bracelets are crossed, they create a powerful barrier. 2) Lasso of Truth making anyone tell the truth and also Lasso of Truth can be used as a weapon.

To understand this film, you do not need to be a fan of comics. The director Patty Jenkins did her best.

From paradise island, we are transported to dirty, gloomy London. We laugh at the naive Diana and the scene with a change of clothes. But this scene allows us to understand other things. Namely the attitude of society to the woman. Steve introduces her as a secretary. Everybody calls her "hey, woman". And the fact that she knows foreign languages is nonsense!
However, it is time for them to go to war. The picture is even more gloomy and in the dark, we see red and yellow colors. Diana brings brightness to the picture. Her pure soul can not become as dark as the atmosphere of war. Wonder Woman demonstrates her abilities to fight. Action scenes are skillfully made. Dialogues that lead Diana to the realization of a new world are not pretentious. She sees people cynical, refusing to help each other. But she fights for them.

The cast is wonderful. Gal Gadot, who served in the real army. Not just beautiful, but incredible. She was able to convey the naivety of her character and belief in the best. In the right moments, she shows determination and persistence. She has very expressive eyes. There's the whole world of emotions in them! Her eyes say sometimes more than words.
Chris Pine perfectly played the ordinary man with his fears, his opinion and his vision of the world, for which he could sacrifice his life. Is not that what many did during the war? They sacrificed themselves for their faith and for making the world better.
There really were feelings between the characters. Not just because it's written in the script, but it was understandable why the feelings started.

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We don't see stupid vanilla drama. These two people are warriors! They don't have time for all this stuff because any time one of them can die.

This is an epic movie about the emergence of a new superhero. The main and understandable morality of Wonder Woman is the idea that the gods have not controlled us for a long time. They are contemplating and we ourselves are destroying each other. And it is true.

Next time we'll see Wonder Woman in Justice League this year. Well, see you, Diana!

Thank you for reading my post!


Hey fantastic review, I just want to know what you thought of the ending? Because I felt like it went from an awesome character driven fish-out-of-water war story to a big dumb Batman V Superman-y big bad guy action sequence and it bummed me out a bit. What did you think of the ending

The thing is I didn't watch Batman vs. Superman, so I can't comment your thoughts. Should I watch it?

I think the Ultimate Cut is worth watching, but I mean you can still comment on what you thought of that final fight scene and whether you thought it was lame or not, Batman V Superman was just an example like Man Of Steel kind of did the same thing where it's two unstoppable forces fighting each other, it's not very interesting. It's the main reason I've never been a huge fan of Dragonball Z but I digress

  1. I did not like that we met with the god of war at the very end. We should hate him, but we were not allowed to know him. He just appears in the finale, speaks the speech and becomes a villain for us.
  2. I noticed computer graphics and it bothered me. I liked the first battle, where Diana defends soldiers on the battlefield. Her first fight.

They wanted both an intrigue and a villain, but it turned out not very interesting.

I would've liked it if Ares was the personification of war itself, like it was just a name given to the "entity" that is the human drive/mindset that seems to naturally lead us down the road of war. Would've been more interesting but no it was random guy that helped Diana that one time earlier in the movie.

I would agree that Wonder Woman is more fresh then most of the material that DV has been shelling out over the past few years. The romantic drama that is so prevalent in classic films like Pearl Harbor did take a back seat to the peril and dogs of war.
It is troublesome though that there has been controversy surrounding the film regarding feminism on the part of those involved in production. I am personally a Marvel fan, and given a chose between the two movies I would rather see Captain America.
This is not because I am against women or a sexist, I simply thought that Marvel made a better movie. If I say this in mixed company though I am afraid that a radical feminist will paint me as the devil incarnate. If I want to see the gods of lore, I will see Thor. If I would like to see a war movie with super heroes in it, it will be Captain America. DC makes great TV shows, Marvel makes better movies.

I wish Wonder Woman would be in Marvel team because they'll be able to film a funny and modern film. Something new like Guardians of the Galaxy. Something fresh. I don't think about feminism at all. I guess to show feminism is to show a woman who can make something like Marie Curie, Valentina Tereshkova, Kathrine Switzer, whatever. Wonder Woman was born with abilities and simply applies them.

This was a great film and exceeded my expectations, too. Very comprehensive review. Gal did a superb job in this role.

thank you for your comment!

Great review but i didn't like so much this movie ,being a better movie than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and was a good movie that's all.
A lot of people they said that Gal Gadot played very well in this movie for me it was a weak role and just the special effects and a part of the story were good the rest is history.
I'm sorry but for sure this movie will not be on my list of the best movies of 2017.
My rating 7/10.

7/10 isn't a bad rate. I like only Nolan's Batman from DC Universe, it was boring for me to watch their other movies, so I was surprised that Wonder Woman differs from them.

Nolan's Batman are the best and 7/10 is not a bad rating but it has a rating of 7.8 on imdb which is very high comparing to other movies which have a lower score and are better.

great post, zazazum as usual!

Nice movie review. love it!

very detailed and entertaining review, thank you)) The most exciting thing about the upcoming Justice League for me is the trailer music) upvoted and resteemed

Have you watched Wonder Woman already?

as a matter of fact, I did)) Can't say I was wowed, but it was interesting enough to watch and follow the plot.

Very good review, This is by far the best DC movie so far, looking forward to the 2nd wonder woman seeing how that will pan out.

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