PHARMAKEIA: The Stamp That Seals The Mark

in #mrna3 years ago

Part 3 of 3 – Death To Partakers, Life To Overcomers

Have I told you……. that the mark of the beast has long been at our hands and foreheads?


It has become very clear during these times of great unveiling that people are deceived due to the mark that is on their left hand. This is the mystery, clear as day, because even up to now we all just accepted something as if it were nothing and have no effect whatsoever.

If one is deceived, surely he/she can not recognize his/her deceiver and the tools of the deceiver. This is fact.

Fakes attract fakes, it is as simple as this, and I am going to prove it here thru the story of Judas the traitor.

May we all be blessed and be warned my dear friends, the time is very near indeed.


Judas is probably the saddest story ever told.

With just a few hours before Heaven time, he squandered it all. Happiness, kingship, love, peace, joy, and every good and Godly thing one can imagine, he wasted all of that because of money (30 pieces of silver).

He was loved. He went around doing the works of healing, giving hope and great wisdom. He was chosen from among so many Jews. He was listened upon when he speaks among the disciples, we can clearly know this because not one among the group had even suspected him to be the traitor when the Adon Yahshua gave the idea during the last supper. I am sure that he drove away demons and healed many during the time he spent with the Adon Yahshua (Jesus Christ).

The devil enticed him with the thirty (30) pieces of silver, and when he consented, his eternal fate was sealed enabling the enemy to possess his body.

Be very aware of the words I used in describing Judas’ fate, these words will reveal lots of things to all of us seekers of the truth no matter the consequences.


Something happened inside of Judas when the devil entered him. It was as if he was changed, and this major change had caused his downward spiral into the abyss of his own destruction.

He had so much remorse that he returned the thirty (30) pieces of silver paid to him for his betrayal. And after returning the money, he proceeded to hang himself.

Up to this very point, it was evident that some kind of poison was forced into Judas’ soul as infected by the devil entering his physical body.

Blood (Yahshuah’s) was on his right hand, his participation made certain by the money on his left.

I can just imagine the devil during the Great Judgment with his death list:

“This Judas is mine, he gave his consent and even asked for the money, a marked money of course. I just made sure to seal his mark by entering his body, I had to re-adjust some things to be very sure he is mine…….”

Those statements are my opinions I have to be honest, but there my friends in Judas’ left hand is the mark of the beast when he took part in the shedding of Yahshuah’s (Jesus’) blood.

It took me all of my 50 years in this life to figure that out, and not even my own understanding but of the Ruach ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit). We had become so blinded of the usefulness of money, like a small dose of a painkiller daily that has no effect, but with so much time taking it as “beneficial”, we had become addicted to it.

Money had marked us, it destroyed our souls the same way a pain reliever addicted an unsuspecting person, destroying one’s mind and body.


The devil’s strategy in Judas is clearly applied in today’s medicines in order to poison everyone with the mRNA jabs using the covid19 pandemic scare.

Money is once again at the forefront as the fakery that is the covid vaccine is being forced into everyone’s veins in these end times. As long as you will move along with the flow, you will receive lots of money and privileges, but those that resist will be left behind in all things vain and worldly.

Why the push for such fake vaccines for a pandemic that is not even there in the first place? Why subject the world to such deaths, disabilities and miseries for a non-existent virus? Why put the world at hold and stop its movements? Why, why, why oh why we have to ask ourselves for our own sakes.

Something is in these jabs I tell you, and you better start using your brains my friend because remorse is always at the last part where one can not correct his/her wrongs anymore.


I tell you a very clear agenda that is sadly not being considered by many people. It is a mystery to so many, and yet during these fake times it becomes very clear.

This jab will alter our DNA, and if we will be altered, we have just become like Judas in the eyes of the Elohim the Abba YHWH. When the devil entered Judas he was altered, this fact is very clear. This alteration was the very seal for the marked money on his left hand. Once Judas was sealed, his fate into self-destruction rolled out non-stop.

This is exactly the same strategy now in these mRNA fake jabs. We have to be sealed, and if we already have the marked money then it will be as easy as 1,2,3 for the pawns to poison our body as well as our souls.

This is the real but hidden agenda of this poisonous mRNA jabs. The devil needs to seal those that put money at the forefront of their lives. Everything, thoughts, deeds and aspirations leading and needing that spiritual drug called money will be sealed easily. Amazingly and just like Judas, those that abide will surely give their consent.

The devil have to possess Judas to be very sure remember? Can we not see the parallels with these mRNA jabs? Why are these poisons needed to be injected and administered inside of people?

Still not clear my friend?


I tell you why one will go along with these fake jabs, this is clear as day no matter how we analyze it. People in this world badly needed money, the marked money.

This world is drugged with money, it is clear that almost everyone will be paralyzed if money is suddenly made unreachable. Said money is used to buy or sell all worldly vanities. Fear of being imprisoned, fear of losing opportunities, jobs and all privileges. Fear of not having the chance to go to school. Fear, fear and much fear….. all worldly of course.

The endpoint to all of these is money.


Instead of focusing in the very soon return of the Adon Melech Yahshua, the King of all Kings, the modern day believers tried to give a Godly angle for taking the fake jabs by reasoning that the mRNA jab is not the mark of the beast. It is not the mark of course, we are marked already long before with the marked mammon on our left hand.

The enemy needed a seal, a stamp, to officially declare everyone as marked. Interestingly, a consent (approval) is need from anyone taking these fake jabs.

Still not clear my friend?

Imagine the Great King Adon Yahshua arriving anytime, and the gate keepers are all doing their personal chores with their jobs, arts, travels, education, sports etc etc etc all vanities….. not one is opening the gates for their Master, the King of all Kings!

I can imagine what those fools will be like once the King will enter the compounds of his dominion… these same fools are us now, taking these fake jabs, moving to and fro telling people all over the world that it is all OK to take it.

It is not the poison you want you fool, it is the money and all worldly privileges associated with its injections are the very things you as a fool covet!!!

You are so afraid that these be taken away from you, and in direct result, you have just given your consent that “Yes, seal me up with that DNA-altering jab. I can not live without the marked money anymore, so yes, I give my consent.” This mindset above is happening all around no matter how each one denies and beats around the bushes with all their reasons.

We have all become like Judas, this is the saddest part of this narrative…….

We are marked with money in our hand (deeds) and money in our foreheads (thoughts and aspirations), all the enemy just needs to do now is to stamp us out by sealing us into becoming non-humans.

If one becomes non-human, no amount of prayers, redemption and repentance will save him/her……. It is just an impossibility.

Will you bring a crocodile at your dining table and serve it your finest food preps? Or a pig in your living room to sit down on your finest chairs? Perhaps leave your house keys to your gold fish when you go out on long vacations? Will you ask your cat to cook for you your favorite dish? Please, do not even try asking directions from a rat, pleaaaseeeeeeee stop!

I can go on and on and on, but only humans are made fit for the Ruach ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit). That is why the Adon Yahshua gave Himself up on the cross for the sins of Adam and Eve down thru all their descendants and without any limits and bounds of time.

If you exchange these human traits for the love of money and the fear of losing it, you have just sealed your own fate my dear friend. Judas’ very sad story already was made an example for all of us to ponder upon.

How fitting these words and actions of the Adon Yahshua:

Matthew 7:6
Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

Matthew 5:12-13
Send us into the pigs!” they begged. “Let us go into the pigs!” Jesus gave them permission, so the unclean spirits left the man and went into the pigs. Then the herd of about two thousand pigs rushed down the cliff into the lake and drowned.

Be very mindful that only the demons are fit to enter into pigs’ bodies, not the Ruach ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit), and yet, many believers accepted this fake mRNA jabs which turns them into a non-human DNA-altered individuals. Surely the demons will prefer a human-like pig’s body than the real pig itself, are we not even aware of such fact?

By your own actions in consenting that human fetus, mercury, graphene oxides and all sorts of filthy concoctions be injected into your veins, you have made a mockery of yourself in the eyes of the Abba YHWH.

I can imagine these legion of demons at the great Tribulation: “Send us into the human pigs Yahshuah! We much prefer them than the animalistic pigs you once put us into the last time around…….”


If one gives his/her consent and become a pig’s DNA as an example of what we will become thru these mRNA jabs filled with filthy concoctions, the King Yahshua will surely say to any person with a non-human DNA:

Matthew 7:21-23
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”


It is worth noting that the Adon Yahshua (Jesus Christ) contrasted money with the Elohim. Of all vanities in this world, why is money being contrasted with the Great Maker Abba YHWH?

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (money).

It is worth noting that the Adon Yahshua (Jesus Christ) gave the hardest of all odds to the Rich Young Ruler, a man with so much money. Of all warnings, why compare a man with lots of money to a camel into the eye of the needle thereby describing impossibility? Why be very sure as per Yahshuah’s words that where our money (treasures) is, there our love will be as well?

Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

It is worth noting that the only time the Adon Yahshua (Jesus Christ) went berserk in the pure sense of the word anger is when the situation was associated with usury and money? The Saviour with love in His messages overturned the tables of the money changers, creating chaos at the temples!

Matthew 21:12

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves

All of the examples above declared money as the poison that consumes everyone. This is not me saying it, it is the Adon Yahshua (Jesu Christ) Himself proclaiming it Himself.

This here, money, is the mark of the beast. Clearer as the finest of days in these end times.

The denials of everyone around the world only adds to the proof that money is the deception that will mark all of us if we will love the world more than the Adon Yahshua.

These mRNA poison jabs will seal this mark in our hands/hearts and foreheads by changing our DNA. The mRNA vaccine is not the mark, it is the stamp that will seal the mark that all of us already have long ago.

All mark (sins) in our hands and foreheads can be forgiven; that is if the Ruach ha Qodesh can still live inside of a human being. But if one is non-human anymore, no matter how he/she asked for forgiveness it can not be done surely.

Can you imagine if one brings a goat (instead of a child) to a kindergarten school for enrolment? What will the teacher say at the Registration desk? “Surely only human children here Madam!!!”

Are these not yet clear to all of us?

It is worth noting that the Adon Yahshua (Jesus Christ) clearly described the blasphemy towards the Ruach ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit) as the only unforgivable sin. No Ruach ha Qodesh will live inside a pig’s body my dear friends. Be very humble and wise enough to see this fact.

Mark 3:28-29

“Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.”

I do not have to describe the unbelievers in this writeup, we already know where they will all end up because if these unpleasant things will happen to those who say they believe, how much more to those who say they don’t?

Think about these things will you. Pray, pray very hard.


Peter was also being played on by the devil, and yet his bravery after the Adon Yahshua died is worth emulating.

This is very clear when the Adon Yahshua rebuked him to get behind. But instead of calling Peter his name, the Adon Yahshua called him satan. This in itself can not be denied that the devil also played around Peter’s head.

But Peter took up his cross by the time he realized his faults of being lukewarm by denying the Adon Yahshua three (3) times. Something happened to Peter when he prayed and asked for forgiveness. Suddenly, the coward sheep became the brave lion.

And we all know our history, Peter later became one of the bravest yet humblest man that ever lived. He died on the cross himself just like the Adon Yahshua. He reached places far and wide, giving hope to so many people until now.

I am so so proud and very encouraged writing these, because stories had it that he pleaded to the executioners for him to be hanged upside down. His reason: he can not even be equal to the deeds that his Adon Melech Yahshua had done for him and all of us.

Peter’s acts after his sins proved to the world that he was an overcomer. Clearly and without any shadow of doubt I can say that he loved and believed the Adon Yahshua. He died at the hands of the enemy living the life that he professed, a believer of my Adon Melech Yahshua.

Be encouraged my dear brothers and sisters in the Adon Yahshua (Jesus Christ). We will be kept safe from all pain and sufferings in these end times.

All we need to do is trust in the promises of the Abba YHWH, the owner of all life and worlds and all in it. He is the strength that will keep all of us going, no matter the odds.

We must get out from the grips of this money system drugging us daily. We can do this, we have a very powerful Master in Adon Yahshua. Ahmein.


Part3 Video of this BLOG on bitchute: PHARMAKEIA: The Stamp That Seals The Mark

If I may suggest you view my other videos as compiled to be able to appreciate this video, as this will all pile up and become clearer every step of the way.
Direct To The Point: THE MONEY LOVERS
PHARMAKEIA: The Book Of Death
PHARMAKEIA: The Root Of All COVID-19 Evils


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