Multy We Are #7
Hello, world!
Today we are going to introduce to you two youngest but most actively developing in their IT-fields members of #Multydreamteam.
Pavel Klybik

- Core C++ Developer;
- Succeeds in combining blockchain development and acquiring knowledge at the 4th course of one of the the most challenging faculties in Belarus - Faculty of computer systems and networks;
- Finalist of Olympiads in Informatics and Mathematics at school and university;
- Adores solving optimization issues and big data problems;
- Over-responsible: everything must be completed and never left unsolved;
- Scrupulous in learning new technologies;
- Shy, but constantly working on this drawback;
- Has a strong desire to leave his footprint on the sands of the world;
- Dreams of seeing space with his own eyes;
- Fastidious visual that prefers to enjoy the moment ещ photographing it while traveling.
Everything should work fast, correctly, effectively. Let chaos be outside.
Evgeny Boltenko

- Backend Go Developer;
- Tries to conquer another BSUIR faculty - Faculty of engineering and economics, important remark - he is a 4th year student at his 19;
- Active participant of blockchain hackathons, student of Imaguru Blockchain School;
- Proud of his algorithmic mindset, has personal attitude to any question;
- Has only 2 drawbacks: impulsiveness and emotionality, but team says that Evgeny is their favorite;
- Do not even try to distract Jenya while he is coding;
- He is an artistic part of #Multydreamteam (combines coding and fashion-design);
- Plans to change this world and create his own project for finance sphere.