I don't remember exactly who i heard this from but it stuck with me.It goes like this "News aren't getting worse it is just that it is getting easier and easier to access it".Meaning that news like this sells ....because that's what gets peoples attention (Amygdala goes haywire and your attention gets fixed on what might threaten you) Of course people that control the media kinda know stuff like that ;) so they keep feeding terrifying stories like this psycho Japanese fellow .What i am trying to say i don't know however effectively is that sick people ,crazy and truly evil people (wich are fewer than we think in my humble opinion) always existed .. And in the past people were even worse. If you simply read any kind of history book you kinda get it why.to sum it up the world is getting better.We think it is not because mass media want your attention to sell magic slippers and crap you don't really need. That's the longest comment i have ever written ...like ever. :)