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RE: My tribute to Murray Ruthbard

Yes, I think we have a lot in common.

I also think you are a little confused, let me try to help.

"The founding fathers of the United States were the "anarcho-caplitalists" of their day." This statement is false, as anarcho capitalism is defined as a stateless society where there is one principal, the none aggression principal.

I am agnostic, meaning I don't know if there is a god or not, but I am open to the possibility.

Actually I believe that the state is a construct build by satanism. That satan created statism as a mechanism to enslave people. People that are statists believe they do the right thing when they follow the laws of statism, but in reality they are slaves to satan without knowing it.

This is the best work of Stefan Molyneux, before he went back to talk about statism a little too much:

As power corrupts, any state will always be corrupt, because when there is a state you have a ruling class, who will always be corrupted.

Anarcho capitalism is "anto-statism". There can be politics and rules created by private companies, as an example in a shopping mall there are certain rules, but you have the option to go there or not, where as in a state you have no option to opt out, you are a slave to the state where you are citizen in. This is against the none aggression principal.

I don't know if there is a heaven as described in the bible, but I do believe the earth is flat and that the planet is a satanic lie.


Thank you for the thoughtful reply.