My Music Story

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys! I’m so excited about this post because I got to dig up some reeeeeally old, tacky, and embarrassing photos to share with you;)

In this post I’ll be talking all about what got me started in music, and why I still continue doing it today!

My music journey really didn’t start until I was 15, when my brother left to serve a two year mission and left me his guitar (well it was more like I got to “borrow” it while he was gone lol). He would sit and write music in his room and I always loved it, so when he left I decided to take on the task.

I had been playing piano since I was about 8, but my favorite piano teacher of all time moved away and I was soooo sad. My mom tried to get me back into lessons with different teachers, but I was too stubborn, so eventually she pulled me out. I still loved to play though, so I continued on my own. Learning to play by ear and teaching myself from YouTube videos. Piano is still my greatest love to this day.

I wrote my first song when I was 15 and literally sang it to anyone that would listen. I fell Inlove with writing. I started posting YouTube videos of my music and the occasional cover while I was in highschool. I was also going to BATC for fashion merchandising at the time, so my schedule was a little crazy. I did this for a couple years and then something AWESOME happened.

My cousin Jordan (who was a big supporter of my music) shared one of my yotube videos to Facebook, where his very talented friend Harley Anderson saw it. Now Harley had just graduated from an audio engineer school in AZ, and had moved back to Utah, where I was currently living. He immediately contacted me and asked if I’d like to join a band and move two hours south of where I lived. I had a lot of family in that area and I said a big HELL YES to that.

So here I was this 18 year old girl moving to a place where I had no friends, no idea where I would work, how this band thing would go, or where I would live. BUT I wasn’t going to let any of that stop me. My sweet Grandma let me live with her until I could find a place to live (let’s just say I overstayed my welcome because I stayed there for 2 years lol).

On to the band! Our band was known as “Briteside” which had already been picked before I joined, and I was okay with it. There were 3 of us. Harley (audio engineer, song writer, producer, and musical genius), Kade (song writer, guitarist, and vocalist), and me (song writer, pianist, main vocalist). Well we were definitely missing one very important member..... a drummer. Most of the drums we tracked were played by Harley, or were electronic, so we didn’t need someone immediately, but when we decided to start playing shows that’s when we called in Taylor (little did I know he would end up being the love of my life, but that’s a story for another time).

So now we officially had 4 members! Woot woot. Well long story short we created an album, played some shows, and then after one year the band ended. We accomplished so much in such a short time, and there was A LOT of musical talent, but all of our styles we’re very different, not to mention we all wanted different things from music. It ended well and we’re all still really good friends!

Now please enjoy these pictures as I take you back in time 2ED6C639-821D-4631-A68D-1D31318A0D2F.jpeg3B9B21EE-C128-4177-BE0E-72CECB1BD374.jpeg






So now here I was at 19. I was really bummed the band didn’t work out, but I was optimistic about the future. I continued to write, save money, and play at open mic nights. I kind of started to lose my drive for it though.... I was definitely in “trying to find myself” mode.

I kind of bummed around for a little while, but then was ready to get back in the game. I contacted Harley and asked if he’d like to help me release more music as a solo act. He was thrilled and totally up for it! This led me to releasing my first single called “Throw It” under the name “Adalaide”.
23D9BC3A-5F9E-4F9A-B0F4-6217553A7555.jpegHere’s the link for it:

I was sooooo beyond excited about this! Well I released it and nothing really happened. It didn’t get as much feedback as I was hoping, but then again I knew jack shit about marketing and how to get myself out there.
I tried to not let it get me down and continued on the grind!

While trying to write I was also chasing a photographers career.... well this was really distracting me from my music, so eventually I gave up trying to make it a full time gig because I wanted music more.

I was able to meet so many musicians during this musical journey, one in particular named Brendon. He loved my style and we we’re able to perform at a pretty big Venu called the Complex in Salt Lake City. This was a DREAM guys and I was so grateful for this opportunity.





Through Brendon I met John. John, also known as “Thrillogy” has become one of my very best friends. He’s a music God and we wrote a song called “Sweet Talker” together and released it under a local record label known as “Nova Lotus”.
The song did fairly well and it’s one of my favorites to this day.

Here’s the link for it:

So now this puts me here at 22 years old.
I’ve been working on an EP FOREVER NOW, but can’t wait to see it unfold. I’ve fallen in and out, and out and in, with music. It’s been a long process trying to find my sound and keep myself sane lol, but I’m getting there. I find out new things about this passion of mine every day! My latest song I’ve worked on is called “Disaster” and it’s out on SoundCloud right now.


HOLY MOLY. If you made it through that entire thing you deserve an award.

So all in all, I’m still on this musical journey, but I’m so ecstatic that I’ve been introduced to Steemit. It’s been amazing sharing this with all of you! I look forward to connecting with more of you, hearing your stories, and creating more wonderful music.

Xoxo, Addie.


Music is awesome! Following! And sharing!

No... Thank you for sharing your life and dreams!

I wish you all the success you are dreaming of.