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RE: Bucky Talks - Vlog - Music "Sessions" - Building a Healthy Music Community in Steemit

in #music7 years ago

yeah the unfortunate part is that most of the existing tools which could facilitate this sort of true real-time musical collaboration, I am talking about the Skypes and Google Hangouts, the voice chats of the world - are algorithmically determined to cut out all "noise" and focus in on the human voice... this does not play well with instruments LOL

I would love to see some kind of video or audio chat, maybe just a plugin for an existing product, that "knew" the sound profiles of various instruments and worked to enhance them while cutting out the true noise.

Until that day, I think possibly sharing individual tracks - tracked out I mean, e.g. one instrument or vocal on a track - and pinning them in the music channel on PAL with an invitation to add on (also one track at a time) would be cool. Anyone could start a collaboration by leaving link to the sound file - Google Drive works well to share a file like this - and mods could pin to channel. Just a thought. The reason I say track by track is it also opens up this collaboration to all the people who do digital music to sample individual tracks while they are making a remix. There is a big community of digital musicians here on Steemit and I would love to include them as well as more traditional instrumentalists and vocalists. There could be some really cool possibilities for remixes if different people put up different melody lines over a song, etc.

Can't wait to get back in the musical saddle with you Bucky!

Much love - Carl


Great suggestion, Carl. Perhaps we could also pin some kind of inventory or sign-out sheet that can tell people what is up there and what you may be working on. For example, If @stickchumpion uploads a drum track you may not want to play over it but I will. So I make note that I am working on it. When I upload what I did you and @vachemorte may download it and sign that you are working on it.

I am just thinking that keeping lines of communication open is always a good thing. If a newcomer signs they they are working on something we can all cheer them on.

Definitely a work in progress, but we do need to be giving all this some thought rather than leaving it to chance.

Hey I like that! Great idea