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RE: Burning my love to ashes - STEEMIT COLLABORATION ORIGINAL SONG - lyrics by @chapterclosed - music by @carlgnash

in #music7 years ago

I can't really claim that there is a method to my madness. I have been playing guitar for a long time (23 years now) and have spent time playing in a lot of different styles and tunings, with pick and fingerpicking, and at this point I don't really have to consciously decide what I am doing, I just kind of let go and whatever feels like flowing out of me and my guitar is what comes out.

But let me say also, you should totally take a stab at arranging this and putting these lyrics to music in your own awesome manner! (if you have the time and inclination) I would love to hear another take. Cheers - Carl


I've never really got into any alt. tunings. If you did a post about it, I'll up and resteem it!

I just one-take'd it, I think I'll do it for next open mic, this song is a joy to be a part of @chapterclosed, @carlgnash