"One Must Be Brave" ORIGINAL MUSIC - Steem Collaboration

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Lyrics by @markangeltrueman
Music by @cyclops

Humans are, by and large, disgusting soft flesh bags with few redeeming qualities. Slow cooked on a spit over a fire (remember to rotate constantly) and paired with some fermented sheep's milk, human does make a fine main course. The levels of toxins and prescription medications often leave a metallic taste, but I have found that if you throw some apple wood chips on the fire for flavor (cherry wood works nicely as well or if you want that smoked salmon quality you can try alder!) it covers that up and leaves you wanting more! You may be tempted to roast humans alive (I know I am!) but I can tell you from experience that this causes a nasty taste in the meat as they will dump their adrenaline before death and the meat will be tougher and just have less flavor. Better to sneak up behind them, break the neck quickly to end their miserable existence, and then roast slowly.

It takes a remarkable human to overcome my natural inclination to KILL! KILL! KILL! EAT!!! but such a noble fellow found his way to my cave the other day. @markangeltrueman is truly a prince among men, and when he recited his tribute of poetry I was moved to tear. One big tear. That is the way @cyclops (tear) rolls. Anyway, he has gone on his merry way and the island is feeling a lot lonelier now. Last night I broke out my guitar and took a stab at setting his haiku to music. I hope you enjoy! Just let me know in the comments if you don't, so I can hunt you down and snap your bones like twigs. Thanks in advance!

One Must Be Brave

Lyrics by @markangeltrueman | Music by @cyclops | Background noise/rattling around by @thingtwo

To dwell in this cave
One must keep an eye open
And One must be brave

If One cannot see
There exists only darkness.
What good would that be?
What good would that be?

One gets derision
From binocular beings
For lack of vision
For lack of vision

But mind, One does not,
Because One is all-seeing,
Yes, One sees the lot.

To dwell in this cave
One must keep an eye open
And One must be brave
To dwell in this cave

If One cannot see
There exists only darkness.
What good would that be?
What good would that be?


Truly inspired. The first time anything I have written has been put to music. Eye am truly honoured.

Thanks again for visiting! You are the first human to see my cave and live to tell the tale since that asshole Sinbad stole my dang lamp! If you happen to see him, be a dear and decapitate him for me? Thanks in advance!

Much love - Cy

He has certainly sinned bad. I will be sure to get his head on ice once removed so as to preserve it for your delectation.

I am Re-steeming and Up-voting this post for the following reasons:

  • Your profile pic makes me want to punch myself in the face for not thinking of this. I love that film and the effects are the best there has ever been(Not too real not too fake).
  • I agree with you that @markangeltrueman is a worthy steemian. I have just bumped into him on discord and he offere to help me out as soon as meet me. That is a trait that I try to aspire to. Plus he is a fellow Brit and there aren't many of us on steemit.
  • Your song kicks ass
  • The lyrics are smoking hot(These points deserved meriting separately)
  • You are also from the UK(I'll put my neck out and say that I am 99.999% sure your a brit from the look of your Kitchen furniture)
  • Your song has made me want to listen to it again(That doesn't happen often)

Following you 100% and if I ever manage to sort my shit out and upgrade my tech. I want to do a broadcast on msp-waves, would definitely promote your work but would be great if you were to join my and preform it live. Can't promise anything but the will and intent is there. Looking forwards to hearing more from you.

A deceptively British kitchen, I agree. However this is not the case (unless it is an imported British kitchen, but why would anyone do that?)

I stand corrected and yes, why would anyone do that? Good job he's talented elsewhere lol

I will give you a pass but come on dude it says right on my blog header that I am from the Island of Colossa. If you like the Harryhausen profile pic, did you see my #introduceyourself post? https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@cyclops/proof-of-cyclops

Sorry, slipped out of character and forgot how serious the cyclops can be. It isn't my fault you lost the lamp so no need to bite my head off (I know that is what you want to do). I must warn you I eat a lot of spicy dorito's so I suspect I taste disgusting.
I'll check out your intro. Although, I have to say I am suspicious because the last time I checked, the Isle of Colossa has no internet connection....

Wow!! Blow my mind :)

With pleasure :) Blown mind is a great delicacy!

for a scary cyclops, that is quite the beautiful song

Aww flattery will get you off the menu. Unless you want to be eaten?

ehm. what can i say here that won't get me in trouble? ;)

Very personal lyrics, I'm touched by your experience. I had only a narrow perspective of life in a cave before this song.

Believe me, the time I spend in that cave was a time I will never forget.

Well, I'd love to have some marshmallows before you snapping my neck.

sure, that could be arranged although you would have to bring them with you (you will find there are no modern conveniences such as grocery stores on my island). Maybe a gentle lullaby afterward and a massage? That is supposed to tenderize the meat nicely.

That sounds lovely! Would you like to bring me something else? Could you send me your Lattitude and Longitude, please?

One must be brave, indeed, to dwell in the cave... Sweet collaboration between man and beast!

Proof that art saves lives—bravo, @markangeltrueman, for surviving and @cyclops for turning your giant, solitary tear into song 💧

my tear fell onto the dirt of my cave and turned into a rat, as all my tears do

Well, that was certainly different! LOL
Nice song, by the way.

Yeah, just another day in the life of @cyclops.

I would say this should be seen by all whales !!!

I think cyclops eats whales too


What a mask! nice song and love the t-shirt

Oh snap you can tell that is a mask? My cover has been blown!!!