Bangers for the blockchain (metal as fuck edition)

in #music3 years ago

What's up, all of you weird people who like to lick love dolls? Decided it was time for another one of my semi annual posts where I recommend random tracks I've found recently, usually being a big mix of different types of music, in hopes that one or two of you might find a new band or at least a song to jam to that you enjoy. This time around, however, is going to basically be pure metal. So, if you have soft pussy ears you should probably turn back. For those of you who are normal enough to appreciate any and all genres of music, how's it going? Those other guys were fucking virgins, am I right? But, yeah. This edition features some really strange picks, to be honest. So, if this ends up being a miss I'll understand, though, I don't think it's even possible for me to ever fucking miss, baby.

So, lets get into the tracks!

1: Jason Richardson - Tendinitis

Starting off strong on this list with probably one of the most insane displays of musicianship I've seen in a long time. I've been familiar with Jason Richardson for awhile due to his past work with Born of Osiris and Chelsea Grin, as well as one collab track he did with the singer from Periphery. However, this was my first time listening to a track of just purely he and Luke Holland working together. And, holy fucking hell are they both insane at what they do. The work he does with composing the track is impressive on its own, but, his guitar work is insane to the point where I'll probably put him into my top 5 guitar players of all time. Luke Holland's drum work keeps up as well with how insanely impressive he is with his skill level. If you just wanna have your face melted off, or enjoy instrumental music in general, then I'd highly recommend this track to you. I put this right up with Animals as Leaders for how great it is. Especially the intro riff.

2: The Willow - Nightmare Fuel

Probably the one track this week that is the least strange/most normal. The Willow is a relatively new/small deathcore band that most people don't know about. I just found them about 2 weeks ago, and I really enjoy this track. The vocals don't have an insane range, but it does have enough to work and fits well with the track. His tone/style also has a good punchiness to it, especially for their breakdown in the track. Though, I might also be a bit of a sucker for it since it has latin chanting. The instrumental work has some fun riffs, and the drums are just good enough for a deathcore track where it doesn't get distracting with just constant blast beating or craziness. This is just good old fashioned modern deathcore, so, if that's what you dig then this track will probably be for you.

3: Paledusk - Wind Back

By far the weirdest track I've probably included in any of these posts, from a new band called Paledusk hailing from Japan. I'm not even sure what genre I'd call these guys, to be honest. Their sound kind of pushes the boundaries of what can still be actually be considered music. There's like 6 or 7 genres of music happening in this track alone, and no section of the song really lasts for more than 4 bars. It's pretty fucking chaotic/interesting, but, not something I would personally really put on for my own enjoyment in the car, probably. However, I do think this is an absolutely perfect song to show others and hear about their reaction which is why I'm putting it on this list. That, and there's definitely effort/talent in the music where I can still respect it even though it's not really my thing. Let me know what you thought of this if you check it out, I'm interested if this is actually someones boner jam out there.

4: Soulkeeper - Gorgeous

The final track for this week, and one that goes back towards normalcy from the last one. Soulkeeper is a pretty new post hardcore/metalcore band that most people haven't heard of. But, one that I really have enjoyed so far. Their vocals aren't my favorite, but, they do fit the music pretty well and definitely aren't horrendous or bad in anyway. The drums are really great for this band, and so is their production work. I'm curious if they had a DJ come in and help do the production on this track in particular, as it has that kind of a vibe with the effects and work that you can hear. I'll never know though, I suppose. But, either way, a very fun/heavy metalcore song for you to mash the tip of your penis to on a rock, like a real man. Big recommend for me if you're still trying to live your life like it's 2009, babyboiii.

Welp, there's my wonderful music picks for you fuckers to check out. Obviously I've alienated some of you, and I do apologize to you by playing the worlds most invisible/silent violin. I'm sure I'll have something decent for you all to check out the next time I do one of these posts, which is probably in another month or two since I'm too busy anymore to put these out once every week like I originally wanted to. But, uh, yaya. Let me know what you thought if you listen to these, and feel free to recommend me any music if you're bored enough to do that for some reason. And, until next time, take it easy you filthy slutterbutts.
