How an Aphid Introduced Me to The Coolest Music and Band Ever

in #music7 years ago (edited)

In the Fall of 2015, I, like almost any 21 year old, had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So, naturally, I jumped on any opportunity to try something new (and I still do). I was basically like Jim Carey from that movie Yes Man. Anyway, on the first day of Evolutionary Biology (a class I only took because it sounded kinda cool), my professor graciously invited any of us to come to his lab to help with his research. What was the topic of his research you might ask? The reproductive life of pea-aphids. For those of you who don't know what a pea aphid is, here is a picture.


Well, needless to say, I took the opportunity to dive in head first into his work. I developed my own research project and did some cool (cool if you're a nerd) work (if you're dying to learn about the cool/nerdy work I did, here you go But how does this relate to music? Don't worry, it'll make sense soon.

So about a week into working on this project, there's a new kid in the lab I had never seen before. He was pretty different looking as compared to what I had expected in a scientist, scruffy beard, leather jacket, and a septum piercing (but now that I have been doing science a little longer, I have seen many different looking people in the fields). He had already seemed to be an aphid expert, so I asked him how he got so well-versed in the field. He explained that his name was Jeremy and he recently graduated from school in California. He was working in the lab as a volunteer because the professor (my professor) was his cousin. "Great... the professor's cousin is always going to be watching and reporting to the professor now," I instantly thought. But damn was I wrong.

Jeremy and I instantly started hanging out every day. He didn't have any friends in Maine (where I went to school), and was desperate to meet people. I invited him to my group of friends and he quickly bonded with all of us. Some cool facts about Jeremy:

  • The first time we hung out was a college hosted poker night with first prize being an Xbox One. He won.
  • Right after winning he did a backflip with two twists. Thats when I learned he was California State Champion in cheerleading.
  • He has the most extraordinary taste in music.
  • He is best friends with a band called Ripe.

Yeah, he's friends with a band, so what? But did I mention that they are the best band ever (in my opinion)? Just check out this song and tell me you don't think they're awesome.

I've seen them live twice now; once at my college and once at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. Both times Jeremy was there of course.


And an awesome side note: all the guys in the band are super chill dudes. I've met them all through Jeremy now, and they let me hang with them backstage before and after their show at Mohegan. They don't just make amazing music, but they are amazing people that just have a real passion for making awesome music. And they're stage presence is unreal. They got a crowd of elderly gambling-crazed casino-goers to come to their show, get on their feet and dance. They make the audience happy to be there, and actually engage with them and dance along. Check out my snap story from that night and just see for yourself. Admit it, you wish you were there. Also, make sure you catch the last few seconds of the video, you'll get to see one of Jeremy's state-champion worthy flips ;).

Lastly, here they are covering an awesome song at my college. Just look at how they got the entire student body going crazy. Can you name what movie the song is from?

Ripe is now my favorite band of all time. I can literally listen to them all day (and I have). If you're into funk/rock/jazz/good music, you'll definitely dig these guys. From one Steemer to another, enjoy the music, rock on and steem on.


Amazing band!

Great post and nice story! I'm checking out the music now. Sounds great so far.

Thanks! Glad you enjoy their stuff:)

Aaaah kill it with fire!! Ruuun. Or.. is this little thing friendly?)

Actually this band is cool. Like the song!