in #music5 years ago (edited)

The World has been hit with a real opioid crisis with the large flow coming in through all ports hitting the cities and weakens its people. However - That is not the challenges we need to focus on - Anyone can get off their OPIOID addiction, First you need to WILL it - then you need to DO it - and then you need to NEVER DO IT AGAIN!.

My Doctors are sheep in wolves clothing! - As soon as they could, they prescribed Opioids for my back pains

I know what I talk about, because I have been hospitalized 4 times and over 8 years been fed OPIOIDS by my doctors like candy. If my Pain increased - they would just up my doze and make me more dependent, saying : "These are the medicines that keep you alive" - and "It is impossible to get off Opioids without other Opioids derivatives like Methadone and Rehab Centers" - Bullshit! - They say that to KEEP THEIR MONOPOLY OVER ME! - And I Called their Bullshit because after 8 years I Decided to Walk off the deep end of 8 years of constantly using OPIOIDS prescribed by DOCTORS - and I DID IT! AND IT WAS EASY!

When they say you cannot - challenge it by doing what they say you cannot do!

After 8 years I walked off Opioids by myself simply by reducing my doses every day for 11 days and on the 12th day I had no urge and I have never touched it nor allowed any doctor to even prescribe it nor even talk to me about its "benefits" to my spinal cord pains from two injuries in the past.

After 8 Years I walked off in just 11 days, and this is how I did it:

Day 1 : Reduced 50 doses into 25
Day 2 : Reduced 25 doses into 12
Day 3 : Reduced 12 doses into 6
Day 4 : Reduced 6 doses into 3
Day 5 : Kept 3 doses
Day 6 : Kept 3 doses
Day 7: Kept 3 doses
Day 8: Reduced to 2 doses
Day 9: Reduced to 1/2 dose in the morning and nothing more.
Day 10: Reduced to 1 pill - very small dose
Day 11: Had no urge for even another pill - skipped it.
Day 12: Packed my syringes, my unused stash and gave it away to a cancer clinic.

Have not used it since, have no urge for it, no need for it no lust for it, their bluff was the spoken words about how dangerous it is to get off Opioids, their bluff about methadone subscription for many years - to keep you paying their system of bluffs!

This Song is a rough reflection of the state of opioid addiction - I am a living proof that you can walk it off and never look back!

Trust me - there is an enormous force behind Opioids and the pushing of it on the population, once they have us hooked, they tell what to do, prescribe more, tell us what to do, prescribe more - and keep us down until we either run out of money or turn to street drugs and eventually overdose or underdose (yes - underdose is a word you will not easily find in any dictionary, but basically it means that once you have a tolerance level you cannot quit in one day and go cold turkey, because your body is used to central stimulates - basically, your body is not used to being itself so you cannot go off opioids cold turkey you must do the 11 days dose down in order to give your body the time to adjust to the new normal which is to be drug free and showing the middle finger to the Opioid Industry and all their facilities, brands and faux advertisement about addiction!

Hitting Rock Bottom is not an excuse to stay at rock bottom - RISE!

As an adult I have consumed every drug known to man from A-Z and walked away from them one by one as I took power over them by deciding against them depending on how they were designed.

To be in control over my own body, my own decisions, my own well being is a freedom that I myself needed to take Power over as I had let that Power slide into the hands of my Doctors - and my Doctors were not going to solve the real problem, just pain relief - and they would have continued viciously to the logical end of it all.

Take Back Control

Remember - YOU ARE VALUE!

God Speed on your journey!

I hope this was of inspiration to you!

Now, go and take good care of yourself.

In Love,
@fyrstikken / @fyrst-witness
Whatever did not kill me - made me stronger!


Yo! MUCH REPSECT for sharing your story man.
There is an epidemic across the globe and it is opioids. The BIG PAHRMA collective have been allowed to manufacture pure addiction in form of medicine. The abuse of pain pills often lead to a hard abuse of street level drugs. Heroin has become the go to for those who can not get their relief from the prescription drugs over prescribed by doctors.
I have seen people get hurt and through no fault of their own become addicted to the pills a physician gave them, and then when the RX was stopped, they went to heroin for that true pain relief.
The fact is that the circle of drug makers to doctors pushing these narcotics and derivatives have become the new drug cartels.
I am happy to hear when people escape this lethal habit. Good on YOU!
Many and many more will not be as fortunate unless we do something!
Help a person if they are in this cycle . Let's demand and end to the cycle.
Thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you - I am preparing a follow up inspirational and instructional video for those hundreds of millions who are trapped in the system right now and want and need to break free from it.

Let's demand and end to the cycle.


I look forward to seeing this video. One of my first posts here on steemit was about my own addiction struggles. There are tons of ways we could help others here and it makes me feel good to see this type of outreach. The WORLD needs it. I NEED it.

Working on it :) - Give me a day.

Photo on 8-29-19 at 09.50 #2.jpg

On steem?

Self proclaimed community watchdogs are actually hacking and stalking people.

This group https://steemit.com/@steemspeak is ran by https://steemit.com/@fyrstikken, They are hacking people that enter this discord server https://discordapp.com/invite/sqxV63P . Once you are hacked they profile you long enough to know all of your activities. They introduce workplace gangstalking visits and bring it to your attention cleverly and discretly so only you get it. They are very covert and tricky with everthing they say and do in this server. Some claim to have worked for or are working with the FBI and the NSA. Mixed with decomisioned traders and coding criminals, Its a scary mix of creepy people and thier intent is to drive you crazy and deplete everything you have ever aquired in life, even your freedom.

My hacking started with them introducing ransomeware that has options, dump my coin or delete my system drive. They acnowledged this to me in the server as it happened.

This hacking and stalking is done so they can manipulate the target to pump and dump for them. Threating and Making victims wear head phones, so nobody in your household can hear thier dramitization towards you. In 2017 this server was sidemarked as a drama show for entertainment purposes only as en excuse to say whatever they want all the way down to killing a politician. They have a server side command called "hey asshole" making a promt come up instructing everyone to wear headphones. They want everyone wearing headphones so nobody in your vicinity can hear them mess with you. Fystikken says its because of "mic feedback" but once your a target you get exactly why they make eveyone wear headphones.

With headphones on they subliminally direct victims with very low suggestive whispers mixed into their radio shows music. Combine this with them being able to manipulate their own individual outputs sound volume, which they control on the server side, they can pick what individual people hear and what at any given time. They decide who you hear on the server and change the volume controls for them. They can make some really low or off for those trying to investigate. They control who hears what and know who is who.

This team will find absolutely everything they can about you prior to using thier sugjestive and threatning program. They Introduce pictures that mean something only to the target, inducing paranoia while they watch and listen thru all of your circumvented devices. They are very aware of what makes you tick. They know your work schedule and use it for work stalking along side of this. I received multiple threating letters to my work and home addressed to my screen name from this group.

Fyrstikken tells people to sell their houses to buy crypto then dumps it on them. He has done many pump and dump scams. Quatloo being one of the first I witnessed and was done multiple times thru 2016 and 2017 them. It should be investigated for fraud. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=655793.0

On steem?

Self proclaimed community watchdogs are actually hacking and stalking people.

This group https://steemit.com/@steemspeak is ran by https://steemit.com/@fyrstikken, They are hacking people that enter this discord server https://discordapp.com/invite/sqxV63P . Once you are hacked they profile you long enough to know all of your activities. They introduce workplace gangstalking visits and bring it to your attention cleverly and discretly so only you get it. They are very covert and tricky with everthing they say and do in this server. Some claim to have worked for or are working with the FBI and the NSA. Mixed with decomisioned traders and coding criminals, Its a scary mix of creepy people and thier intent is to drive you crazy and deplete everything you have ever aquired in life, even your freedom.

My hacking started with them introducing ransomeware that has options, dump my coin or delete my system drive. They acnowledged this to me in the server as it happened.

This hacking and stalking is done so they can manipulate the target to pump and dump for them. Threating and Making victims wear head phones, so nobody in your household can hear thier dramitization towards you. In 2017 this server was sidemarked as a drama show for entertainment purposes only as en excuse to say whatever they want all the way down to killing a politician. They have a server side command called "hey asshole" making a promt come up instructing everyone to wear headphones. They want everyone wearing headphones so nobody in your vicinity can hear them mess with you. Fystikken says its because of "mic feedback" but once your a target you get exactly why they make eveyone wear headphones.

With headphones on they subliminally direct victims with very low suggestive whispers mixed into their radio shows music. Combine this with them being able to manipulate their own individual outputs sound volume, which they control on the server side, they can pick what individual people hear and what at any given time. They decide who you hear on the server and change the volume controls for them. They can make some really low or off for those trying to investigate. They control who hears what and know who is who.

This team will find absolutely everything they can about you prior to using thier sugjestive and threatning program. They Introduce pictures that mean something only to the target, inducing paranoia while they watch and listen thru all of your circumvented devices. They are very aware of what makes you tick. They know your work schedule and use it for work stalking along side of this. I received multiple threating letters to my work and home addressed to my screen name from this group.

Fyrstikken tells people to sell their houses to buy crypto then dumps it on them. He has done many pump and dump scams. Quatloo being one of the first I witnessed and was done multiple times thru 2016 and 2017 them. It should be investigated for fraud. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=655793.0

Nice English version of "Narkoman" with Jokke! I am very happy that you managed to get out of your addiction and love your perspective on how the system tries to get you hooked. I used to be an addict myself and managed to free myself through a similar reflection. I had the same epiphany of how easy it really was! Much easier than the whole myth spun around it. My willpower is basically just a billion times stronger than any drug out there, which means that everyone's will potentially are, so good luck to everyone! Freedom is a never ending journey! All the best and good luck on your journey everyone!

yeah takes a lot to work through it. props for doing so.

I want to inspire people to quit because they can when they will. The how to is already made - just walk it, just do it - and let nobody tell you anything from BIG PHARMA is impossible to get rid of. The psychological addiction is the repetition of the doctors scheduled drug-calendar. They - the doctors - are nothing more but glorified drug pushers. Should have their MDs removed.

Nothing is impossible for those who decide to do what they can do until they succeed. No NA meetings, no Rehab Clinics, No Methadone Program needed - Just #walkaway from doctors and psychiatrist (shrinks who also can prescribe drugs) - they are paid shills, and not the classic doctors. They have no love nor real care for us, I think we all can see that by now.

just got to this and the family behind these pills or cabal I should say I find absolutely evil..... Medicines have a place but they give out like candy. A dear friend of mine I had not had much contact with showed up in her fancy Jaguar on them, she passed out and I am aware of this crisis. Every so many minutes (and it's not many) , someone in America dies of it. Big Pharma pushes this shit on doctors who can care less of what it does to people.

The medical profession has turned into a joke, so many should have everything taken from them starting with their licenses. Amen to this, it's the truth....all of it, every single word

On steem?

Self proclaimed community watchdogs are actually hacking and stalking people.

This group https://steemit.com/@steemspeak is ran by https://steemit.com/@fyrstikken, They are hacking people that enter this discord server https://discordapp.com/invite/sqxV63P . Once you are hacked they profile you long enough to know all of your activities. They introduce workplace gangstalking visits and bring it to your attention cleverly and discretly so only you get it. They are very covert and tricky with everthing they say and do in this server. Some claim to have worked for or are working with the FBI and the NSA. Mixed with decomisioned traders and coding criminals, Its a scary mix of creepy people and thier intent is to drive you crazy and deplete everything you have ever aquired in life, even your freedom.

My hacking started with them introducing ransomeware that has options, dump my coin or delete my system drive. They acnowledged this to me in the server as it happened.

This hacking and stalking is done so they can manipulate the target to pump and dump for them. Threating and Making victims wear head phones, so nobody in your household can hear thier dramitization towards you. In 2017 this server was sidemarked as a drama show for entertainment purposes only as en excuse to say whatever they want all the way down to killing a politician. They have a server side command called "hey asshole" making a promt come up instructing everyone to wear headphones. They want everyone wearing headphones so nobody in your vicinity can hear them mess with you. Fystikken says its because of "mic feedback" but once your a target you get exactly why they make eveyone wear headphones.

With headphones on they subliminally direct victims with very low suggestive whispers mixed into their radio shows music. Combine this with them being able to manipulate their own individual outputs sound volume, which they control on the server side, they can pick what individual people hear and what at any given time. They decide who you hear on the server and change the volume controls for them. They can make some really low or off for those trying to investigate. They control who hears what and know who is who.

This team will find absolutely everything they can about you prior to using thier sugjestive and threatning program. They Introduce pictures that mean something only to the target, inducing paranoia while they watch and listen thru all of your circumvented devices. They are very aware of what makes you tick. They know your work schedule and use it for work stalking along side of this. I received multiple threating letters to my work and home addressed to my screen name from this group.

Fyrstikken tells people to sell their houses to buy crypto then dumps it on them. He has done many pump and dump scams. Quatloo being one of the first I witnessed and was done multiple times thru 2016 and 2017 them. It should be investigated for fraud. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=655793.0

Thats how my grandpa got off medication

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you're clean, buddy. I'm proud of ya, stay strong! I've seen many people fall to this. And many friends die. It is no joke . . . It's the worst fucking horror-show a person can imagine. Congratulations on getting clean! I had no idea you even had an opioid problem, but then again, most people that do, you'll never know about it. At any rate, awesome, congrats!!!

they are too eager to be pill pushers and don't care one bit about true healing unfortunately !

Well played sir, well played.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good job getting off it.

Are there any dangers for not weening off and instead quitting cold-turkey? I know some drugs (heroin for instance), can literally kill you if you just stop after a while.

Heroin is an opioid. (although these days mostly is cut with fentanyl)

It is dangerous to go off cold-turkey - you definitely have to ween yourself off or it can be extreme hell and usually leads to relapse because the withdraw is terrible.

And yes there have been cases where people have died.

That's just so fucked, I feel bad for people who were simply in a low of their life and made one bad mistake who can never recover from it

Congrats on the path you took to escape that route, opioids are highly addictive unfortunately and you won't get any inherent benefit aside pain control @fyrstikken

You sound like a friend of mine. And after watching your video I am even more convinced.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats on the path you took to escape that roud, opioids are highly addictive unfortunately and you won't get any inherent benefit aside pain control @fyrstikken