5 Songs for the Rebel

in #music7 years ago (edited)

At times life can really get us down, it can feel like we are being stomped on by it, run over by it, walked on and crushed by it, it can make you feel down and out, wasted, screwed and smashed apart, some days even doing anything is just too much, even the basics, we struggle just to keep going.

When you do not fit in, when you are not like other people and you can see the underlying truth that many cannot and you look at life in a way that many people roll there eyes at, chances are you may be a rebel inside, for those people, and for myself here are 5 songs that help me keep going when I feel like the fight is up.

Anyone who is on the side of the people, the underdog, the one with no voice, the rebel, the undervalued, the underpaid, keep going, don't ever give up, this world is ours to win. One day the rebel shall inherit the earth.

Power to the People - by John Lennon

The War is Over - by Phil Ochs

Times they are a Changin' - by Bob Dylan

I ain't Got No Home - by Woody Guthrie

I ain't Got No Home - cover version by Billy Bragg


"Standing Against the Powerful. Standing Up for the Vulnerable"
Politics, Mental Health, Disability and Alternative Health Issues.

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Feel free to leave any comments or opinions, as well as songs that keep you going too, always good to hear new music :-)

Can't believe you missed out this classic rebellious song, George!


Lol :-D she looks so young in comparison to when she was Rose in Doctor Who, which come to think of it she was young in too, was she about 12 when she did this?? :-D