'Gine' - New Orginal Music - A Weird, Noisey Creation - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough
I decided to avoid using Portal here,
as I tend to overdo it whenever Portal shows up (hah), so I mapped out a basic little progression, then built some stuff on top that wound up being a little more dissonant and weird than intended, but kind of cool. Track 1 was where I started, which was supposed to move from Eb to Fmin to Abmaj7, then B (bVi in Eb), to Fmin, and Abmaj7 again. However, when I added the other tracks, the Eb and Fmin weren't super obvious (I didn't use any 3rds really), and a lot of these synths have 4ths and 5ths added on top, so it wound creating harmonies that were a lot cooler than I had initially imagined. Track 2 just sticks to root notes, but has a 5th on top, which swells in as the note is held, giving things a little more movement.
Track 4, More distorted synth sound
Listen to Gine here...
Track 3 adds a very simple line, Eb, C and F, repeated twice,
which makes for some more interesting chords; the Eb turns that B in the bass into a Bmaj, and the F turns the Abmaj7 into an FminAdd9, which feels more mysterious. Track 4 is a weird synth which, if the notes are held, morph into places that didn't fit, so I just made them all super short, and didn't allow them to move too much beyond the notes played. It also wasn't tuned the same, so the progression above looks like it's all out of key, though generally, everything fits. Track 5 is a low, distorted sort of bass synth, which just sticks to single notes, mostly roots (except for a C under the F chords), and also swells in a bit. Finally, we have Track 6, another bass synth, which just plays roots, with a more staccato feeling. This one is a bit weird, but I figured I'd leave everything as is, at least for now, and try tomorrow to see what I can edit and change.
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