A Morning Off: My Whole Goal is to "Slow it Down" (thoughts accompanied by original music).

in #music7 years ago (edited)

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Photo by Vince Huber.

I have the morning "off" today as far as my J.O.B. is concerned. I made myself get out of bed at the normal time, however, poured a strong cup of coffee, and took care of the morning affairs.

As I was driving down the street where I'd normally have to turn off and head to the preschool to teach, I basked in the feeling of freedom of not having to turn in there. I thought of all the days I had desperately wished for a morning off, or a freak cancellation of some sort, and enjoyed playing a little mental game with myself, telling myself I had had to work but that the classes had been cancelled and I was now free.

Anyway, as I drove along and looked at the sullen faces of men and women dressed in "work attire," uniforms, and the like, I thought:

What is my whole goal? My whole goal is to SLOW IT DOWN. Look how beautiful the sky is today. Look at the green leaves of that tree. Look at these beautiful people. Wouldn't it be great if we could all SEE each other, and just enjoy the day, without the constant pressure of being debt slaves and targets for a parasitic class?

You know, normal Monday morning thoughts for an anarchist.

How does one go about slowing things down?

Well, I suppose it starts in each individual's own life. For me, my new J.O.B., as much as I complain about it, is a godsend. The schedule is light and flexible, and I am afforded an unusually high degree of autonomy. This gig allows me to Steem, as I am doing now, more extensively and furiously than any other available option at present likely could. That said, the discontent propels one forward.

I am not happy really, with my "day job" and the acting I must do to accomplish it well. Though I do love kids, and they inspire me everyday, there are things I would much rather be doing, which I now see can, if developed properly, also turn an income.

The main thing, though, is that I want to live for a deeper purpose. For me, that purpose is to spread and live out the ideas of the Voluntaryist philosophy. So, I guess what I am saying in a roundabout way here is that to "slow things down," I think an overarching purpose and/or goal is important. That's how I see it, at least. What that purpose or goal may be, I think, is different for everyone. I think it's important because these types of goals, purposes, and visions "slow down" life in a way that is almost outside of time.

I feel like, when I am focused on what my heart is truly into, though time may fly by (it always does when you're in "flow"), in a sense things are much more clear and focused, and even the little joys of life are magnified. A few seconds can become as valuable as endless hours, when loaded with meaning and purpose.

Final thoughts.

So yeah, here I am: Sky is blue. Trees are green. Steeming in the supermarket cafe with their free wifi. Watching the people nervously hustle and bustle around, thinking of all the dormant potential that could be unleashed if even 10% of these individuals were emboldened to step out, openly question the status quo, and follow their dreams come hell or high water, whatever those may be.

I'd like to share a song with you guys that I wrote and recorded years ago:

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I hope you have a good, slow day full of purpose and life-loving madness.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Someone has been inspired by THE CURE.

Been a while I listened to them, but am now again and again and again and agaaaiiiinn.

This song is not similar, but other songs I feel like do though. This song is just my favourite from their band. :)

Nice, you have talent in music, writing and teaching skills. I bet your gift to what you can teach to others is large.

This song and band I got to know from a friend who committed suicide in May this year. It has more meaning and am triggered with memories from us having fun when listening now.

Yes, I definitely have a bit of a "New Wave" streak in me. Thanks for sharing the great video.

So sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad the memories you have are good ones. That must be very difficult to come to terms with.

Thanks for the kind words and support. You're keeping this minnow strong.

Nice sound and flow! I loved it ;)

Glad you could take time off and refresh! I agree - if only even a few people could have the courage to step outside their comfort zone and follow their dreams we would live in a much better place!

what a combination that makes sense i guess
incredible idea

Congratulations it's beautiful @kafkanarchy84 . Must feel great - that is a lot of work!

I can so relate to the thought of wishing to be free to slow things down... HUGS

i straight away listened to the music as i love it thanks for sharing the link it was cool !!

what a combination that makes sense i guess
incredible idea