in #music7 years ago (edited)


Hello all!
Welcome to Part 2 of the Audition Tips series! Yesterday, I reviewed the importance of KNOWING YOUR SHOW, and how to easily succeed at the potentially daunting task. Our topic for today will help you to:


I teach all levels of performers from first-time, semi-shy singers to the advanced "pros," and I recommend the following to everyone:

-Start by focusing in on your breathing. Without proper breath support, a steady, beautiful sound will be difficult to produce. In fact, let's take a moment to check on your breathing capacity right now!

 *Breathe in through your mouth for 4 counts, filling your belly with air...
 *Hold that breath for another 4 counts...
 *Release ALL of that breath in the duration of yet another 4 counts!

How did you do? That was pretty simple, huh? If you agree, challenge yourself! Try increasing the counts from 4 to 6, then 6 to 8, then 8 to 10...You get the idea. :) This simple and fun exercise will help you connect to your diaphragm, as well as naturally warm and moisturize the air that will be transferred to your larynx and lungs.

-Give yourself a facial/throat massage. Since it's important to keep tension out of the face when singing, and touching a muscle releases it, there's no better remedy. This is my FAVORITE step, by the way! Sometimes I beg my husband to help out to fully relax my muscles. Right, @michaeljohnson? :) (He's the best!) Anyway, time for you to give it a try:

 *Begin massaging at your hairline, working your way slowly down to your forehead, then your temples.
 *Continuing to move down the sides of the face, pause for a moment at your jaw hinges and release those. (I'm a singer dealing with the early stages of TMJ, and this is VERY important to keep the muscles from locking up mid-song. This will be the topic of a future article. Stay tuned!!!)
 *Keep moving down the face. Then, massage your lower and upper lips before moving upwards to massage the bridge and sides of the nose.
 *Finish up your facial massage by digging your thumbs into cheekbones. (Super important for sinus pain sufferers!)
 *Now that your face is feeling nice and loose, press your thumb directly under the center of your chin. Here, you'll notice a squishy patch before you reach your trachea. This is the base of your tongue!!! Drop your jaw slightly and massage it out.
 *Finally, place both hands on the sides of your trachea. With your mouth open, move it back and forth VERLY SLOWLY, and DO NOT TALK. Warning!!! It might pop and crunch a bit, but there's no need for alarm. You're simply releasing lots of pent up tension!

-Drink LOTS of water. Our throats tend to dry out pretty easily year-round with the combination of yucky or extreme weather, and indoor heating/cooling systems. It's highly recommended to drink eight, 8 oz. glasses of water per day; however, if you're a caffeine fanatic like me who NEEDS her coffee to behave like a normal human being, just remember to balance out the caffeine intake with the same amount of water. Caffeine is a diuretic (...sadness...)!

-Warm up wisely. It's always best to visit a vocal coach to record a vocal warm up tailored to your needs. Never underestimate the power of retaining a vocal coach at any age and skill level! My wonderful students range from 8 - 60! You're never too old or "too talented" to have a professional fine tune your voice. :)

-Lastly, when/if your voice fails you before the big audition (it happens to the best of us...), adhere to a strict vocal rest regimen:

 *Don't talk or sing for 24 hours. We all pretty much text our lives away, so do it up! :)
 *Drink lots of caffeine-free tea (like Throat Coat), or hot water with honey and lemon to warm and release the larynx.
 *Instead of singing, switch over to ear training. Listen to your audition piece so that it stays fresh in your mind.
 *SLEEP!!! The more you rest, the quicker your body will heal itself.
 *If you don't mind throat sprays, check out Vocal Ease. It's been a lifesaver for keeping my throat lubricated when it's been damaged by illness or overuse.

I hope you enjoyed today's tip! Check back tomorrow for Part 3!

All the Best,


Great post! It's good not only for auditions, but good "vocal hygiene" for gigs too. I've been a touring musician for 20 years and I'm always trying to remember to keep the voice in top form.
I just started a weekly roundup of my Top 5 favorite music posts. You're on it this week! That means that I'm promoting this post, upvoting with 100% Steem Power, resteeming and following you. Welcome!

Thank you so kindly!!! It's always a pleasure to meet fellow musicians. I'm following you too!

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I'm honored! Thank you so much! I think your hit parade is a fantastic idea, and I appreciate your dedication to lifting up others. Following you!

Welcome to steemit!

Postnya very useful and hope you are lucky for future in this steemit :)
But do not forget the upvote on my blog too :D

Awesome! Thank you kindly! I'm glad you found the info useful! I'll be visiting you as well. :)

Thank you very much! Keep checking back for more! :)

Thanks so much! I love what I do, and I love that I can share it with others. Check back later today for more! :)

Hepfull tips.
Thank you for share this.

My pleasure! I'm glad you found it useful! Check back for more :)

Hi @kimberlyjohnson. Welcome to Steemit! Great post! You'll do well here. Following you.

Thank you so much!!! I'll be following you too! :)