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RE: Bucky Talks - Vlog - Music "Sessions" - Building a Healthy Music Community in Steemit

in #music7 years ago

The delay issue is the biggest problem for live playing by musicians at remote places. What may work is when the whole thing is setup in series, where the first one plays, the second one listens and joins in, then the third, fourth and so on. Each musician in the chain shall get the music from the musician just before him/her and eg musician number 3 should not hear what musician number 4 and 5 and so on are adding. Record the result and then play it back. Only the last musician in the chain heard everything, while for the other musicians the end result is a surprise. Sepearte streams needs to be setup between musician number 1 and 2, number 2 and 3 number 3 and 4 and so on.


Agreed @qsounds. All the conferencing software has an unavoidable delay. So playing piano duets will most likely never happen for quite some time.

We need to explore easy ways to do things asynchronously for now. What you described can work, but there would need to be new tech put in place to make it happen. Read @carlgnash's comment. If we can start with an intuitive way of sharing parts for collaboration then we can build up from there. There is a desire to collaborate so let's feed that fire. Once we have a group on the same page we may be able to investigate some new unique developments to help in more interactive ways.

What are your thoughts @qsounds?

I'm not a musician, so I'll not be someone who will actually participate :) But yeh, get some people of like-minded musicians and work on something in kinda remix style I would suggest. One creates something, someone else adds to it and so on. What I described can be done offline. But what I describe I think can work for each musician in the chain in realtime, while each musician is not at exact the same moment, so it is like time, it only works one direction of the chain, not in the other way around. You need to setup an one directional voice channel between eg number 2 and 3, and between number 3 and 4. Now I have not idea if one direction channels are possible, but number 3 could mute the speaker and only have the mic open. Since running two instances of eg Discord or Skype is difficult on one laptop/computer, you can use multiple voice services.

Tonight at 10UTC I will be chatting about this for a little bit. "Backstage with Bucky" on the PAL Discord MSP-Waves radio. Stop in and we can throw around some ideas.