
I hope you just making a point with this post, comments and vote behaviour? Not that we lost you to the spammers and self absorbed community as well?


Best check your judgement levels, mate. And/or perhaps do a bit more thorough homework on who you’re talking to before dishing out such short-sighted statements...

Perhaps before jumping to conclusions on my voting behaviour, you’d be well off speaking with the numerous people who’ve continually been given me thanks over the last year for my support in replacing their monthly incomes and funding their projects with my votes. Or bring to the table the many cases where I’ve dished out more in rewards on others’ comments on my posts than the actual posts themselves have earned.

Perhaps before accusing me of spam, you ought do some research on what stances I’ve publicly taken repeatedly on the subject, or perhaps compile some proper evidence - including the dozens of times I’ve expended my voting power to flag the shit out of actual spammers’ bullshit.

Or maybe you oughta just gain a sense of humour, learn to recognize genius in forms you’ve been too judgemental to acknowledge, slow your role, and check your place.

I didn't check my account for some time; Now discovered your reaction above. I think you took my comment the wrong way. I know what you've done for the community, and I really like what you've done and still do. Therefore I was so surprised to see what I saw with this post and votes.