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RE: Growing Up 90's: What a Blessing it Was to Come From the Grunge/Punk/Metal Era of Music

in #music8 years ago

You really should share your story, if to just benefit showing the signs of these things so others don't slip into situations like you did. Its sad but a lot of these cult like factions are forming all over the world again. Odd I been watching a series on cults on Netflix a lot lately. They are so dangerous if they go too far. I get it though, the manipulation by leaders in those are so hard to discern away by people involved. Its sad, if they put their efforts as leaders to better use they could gather a great crowd to do good by the world but it always turns out that power corrupts. Luckily you found the light and got out of the situation, a story I seriously think should not feel shame but empower you to share so others can be aware of what is out there. Its like me, I don't feel shame for my mistakes in life, I learned from them and grew as a person luckily...we just happen to fall in traps now and then to get life lessons.


I guess I should. The first one was a very big cult. At it's height in the '80's they brought in about a million dollars per day! When the State of California intervened in 1979 the founder was in Tuscon and was in his 80's. But he was not a senile old man. He fired back with weekly full page ads in The Wall Street Journal and eventually beat the state. The other cult was a small new age type thing but I eventually began to wounder when he displayed some of the same behavior as the other one. However, the new age guy is far more dangerous because some of his claims are not bullshit. He can be very dangerous and his mind control is very strong. Some of it is done through hypnosis. The other guy used hypnotic techniques too but was not aware of what he was doing. Maybe people could learn something from all of this.....
I forgot to add that I found his "satan," whom he called "evil Richard." He had a lot of amazing stories to tell because he was there from the beginning. Anyway, some of the cult followers tracked Richard down, spied on him, and issued death threats. I was kicked out for daring to talk to Richard. It's all very creepy.